Chapter 5

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"Well yeah," She shrugged, "Why wouldn't I?"

"Nyet safe," He frowned and she looked at him confused.

"Russian?" She asked and he nodded.

She grinned, winked at Jess, then stood and walked over to him. She straddled his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. He held her hips and she smirked, "Have you given me a fruit cup?"

"Nyet," He shook his head. "Soon."

"Nyet," She smirked causing him to glare. "You aren't my boyfriend. You aren't my daddy or even my husband. Hell, even if you were you can't control me. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. And guess what?" She leaned in a little bit closer, "I want to go to the Rockies by myself and I will."

"Kitten," Raven growled and she smirked.

She straightened up and started to get off his lap. He grabbed the heart of her collar and she slapped his hand, "No touchy." He glared and she pointed her finger at him. "You didn't give me the collar and you didn't put the collar on me so you don't get to touch. No touchy."

"I got you the collar so do I get to fucking touch?" Gabe asked and she winked at him.

"I'll think about it," She smiled, "Depends on if you are going to be like this big old bear here," She patted Raven's chest then got off his lap.

"I'll fucking behave," Gabe smirked as she walked over to him.

She bent down and kissed his cheek, "It's no fun if you behave all the time."

"Fucking hell Trouble," Gabe groaned as she walked away.

"You certainly are a handful," Owen said while watching her.

She walked over to Owen and sat in his lap sideways. She grabbed his tie and wrapped it around her hand then leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Wouldn't you like to know Owen? I am most definitely more than a handful." Owen cleared his throat as she got up and walked over to Jess.

She sat in Jess' lap and Jess chuckled then wrapped her arms around Ember's waist. "I told you she was mine," Jess laughed as she watched her brothers shift around to get more comfortable.

Ember's phone went off and she groaned, silencing Rammstein's Engel. "Sorry Girl, got to go. I need to get this shit taken care of."

"Alright," Jess nodded. "Will you just text me every so often so I know you are alive and okay?"

"You know it," She said as she gathered up her stuff. "I promise I won't be a victim of a serial killer if I can help it. Besides you know I always carry that gift you got me." She quickly pulled out a pocket knife and flicked it open.

"Where did you have that?" Kota asked shocked.

"That's for me to know," She winked and started walked to the front door, "and for your imagination to figure out. Thanks again Superman, you can come rescue me anytime."

Silas smirked and they watched as she got into her car and Megaherz's Jagdzeit started blaring. She blew a kiss to Jess then drove away.

"You will be telling us when she contacts you right?" Corey asked and Jess shrugged then went back inside. "Jess, that guy that was creeping her out is a stalker. What if he tries to follow her?"

Jess bit her lip and sighed, "Fine I will let you know when she contacts me with updates."

"What's her address?" North asked. "I want to go and make sure she made it home safely."

"I don't know," Jess shook her head.

"What?" North asked and Jess just shrugged.

"I don't know," She admitted, "I've never been and she's never asked. All I know is that she has an apartment and she's a free lance photographer. She's pretty private about her personal life. She likes that I don't pry and I will keep it like that. Although how I will manage with you will be kinda hard now that I think about it. Just leave her alone, please you guys. I really like hanging out with her, please don't push her away. Please?"

"Fine," North sighed and sat back down. "But I mean it Jessica, you better update us when she notifies you of her road trips."

"I promise," She nodded, "Thank you Northy."

"Jess," He warned and she giggled.

"Fine, thank you North," She sighed and he grunted.

She woke at two with her phone going off. She grabbed it and groaned then got out of bed. She headed to the living room where all the guys were still up doing stuff. "Hey what's up Sis?" Kota asked as he sat he papers down.

She looked at her phone and yawned, "Finished editing the pics and got shit packed. Now watching Hunting Hitler until I crash. Will hit the road around sixish, night Girl."

"That's only like four hours if sleep or less if she doesn't instantly crash," Sean frowned. "That's not good, she needs at least eight hours of sleep."

"She has ADD, it won't happen," Jess yawned again as she typed away on her phone. "I told her she needs more sleep than that and all she said is she knows but it won't happen but if she will try and remember to let me know when she wakes. We will see but I'm off to bed again, I'll keep you updated."

"Night," They all said as she headed back to her room.

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