Chapter 12

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I have posted an announcement on my message board. I'm so excited and it wouldn't be possible without all of your support so thank you so much! Now back to the story:

Ember looked out of the balcony and smiled. The view was simply breath taking. She has gotten so many excellent photos since being here. It wasn't her original location but she's glad she changed her destination. Her landscapes and close ups have been just what she wanted and then some. She certainly had to keep this location in her go to spots. She had way more than she strived to get on her photos here where she was but she loved it. She looked out and felt so content then frowned. She glanced down at her phone and snapped a few pictures then looked out to the sky again. Sighing she went back to her room and plopped down on the bed. She held her phone up and started going through the pictures she took on her phone.

Sitting up and scrolled through the pictures again, "There's no way," She whispered as she headed over to her laptop and hooked her phone up to the laptop. Enlarging the pictures she went through them again. "Shit," she gasped as she went through them one more time. "Fucking hell."

She got up and started pacing her room while nibbling on her thumbnail. "Shit, well, I'm just going to have to," She threw her hands up and sighed, "I don't have a fucking choice, I have to. Okay, Ember get your shit together. You could just be mistaken, that's it, it's just a coincidence." She sighed and rolled her eyes, "yeah and I'm going to win the lottery on the very first time I play." She sat on the edge of the bed and groaned as she ran her fingers through her hair. What was she going to do?


Jessica looked up from her laptop as her phone rang. She didn't recognize the number and shook her head as she looked at her brothers who had stopped what they were doing. "Hello?"

"Hey Girl, whatcha doing?" Ember's voice filled the room.

"Oh nothing, just plotting various ways of torturing my brothers for pissing you off," Jessica smiled. "What are you doing?"

"Could you possibly check and make sure I'm not insane for a second?" She asked sheepishly as she twirled her hair around her fingers.

"What's going on Girl?" Jessica asked glancing up at her brothers. Corey and Victor were typing away on their laptops.

"Can you just check the pictures I just emailed you and tell me what you see, please?" Ember asked as she quickly started throwing her things into her bags.

"One second, they are uploading," Jessica said as she opened the email. "What am I looking for?"

"There," Luke said pointing at two of the pictures, "There he is again," He pointed in the third picture. "Who is this man?"

"The man from the photoshoot," Silas said leaning over Jessica. "The stalker."

"Shit, I wasn't imagining things," Ember sighed as she stepped off the elevator.

"Where are you, Ember?" North asked and Ember rolled her eyes.

"Are you checking out Ma'am?" they heard a woman asked.

"Yes, thank you," She said as she handed her the prepaid card she purchased recently.

"Where are you, Baby?" North asked again as they heard her start a vehicle.

"Alright, thanks Jess," Ember said as she hooked her phone up to the Bluetooth app on the Jeep. "Well, I'll talk to you later."

"Wait!" Jess called out, "please Em, where are you? Tell me and I'll come meet you with Kota so we can make sure you are okay."

"Shit," Ember said then they heard crushing metal and glass shattering then the horn's continuous blare.

"EMBER!" Jessica shouted but was met with just the horn still blaring.

"Where the fuck is she Corey?" Gabriel asked staring at the phone in worry.

"Got it," Corey shouted as he sent the location to all their phones.

"Doc with me," Raven growled as he grabbed his car keys.

"I'm coming with you too," Jess said grabbing her phone. "I have to know she's okay."

"Da," Raven said as everyone rushed out the door. "We get her."

"We will be right behind you, Raven," Luke said as they headed to their cars, "Just get to her safely, the Russian way but safely."

"I'll start notifying all the hospitals and reaching out to everyone I can," Kota called out, "I'm sure someone called it in by now so once they know something we will know."

"Oh god, please let her be okay," Jessica said getting into Raven's car. She couldn't get Ember's voice and then the sound of that metal crushing and glass breaking out of her head. It would haunt her forever if her best friend wasn't okay. "She has to be okay, she has to be."

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