Chapter 37

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"Well, thank you for that," Erica smiled softly. "Such sweet boys protecting my girls for me." She kissed each on the cheek making them chuckle. "Kota," She said sternly.

"Momma," Kota said instantly.

"Show these boys your sister's room," She said turning to face the boys. "Go help Kota make sure the girls are comfortable."

"Yes Momma," The team said following Kota up the stairs. Gabe pulled the covers back even more and the band placed the girls in the bed.

"Ugh quit moving Andy, I'm comfy," Ember mumbled making him chuckle.

"Sorry Cutie, but I need to get you in bed," he said softly, "I have to get home."

"But I didn't fix Jinxx and CC's makeup," She pouted sitting up.

"You can do it before our shoot, alright Cutie?" Jinxx chuckled.

"Okay," She smiled softly. "Thanks for a fun night."

"Anytime Cutie," Jake and Ashley said at the same time.

"Thanks for going with us," CC said, "Now get some sleep. You are going to feel like shit tomorrow."

"Okay," She said laying back down next to Jess and Courtney. "Thanks for protecting us."

"Always Cutie," They chuckled as they started to leave the room.

"Andy?" Ember mumbled fighting to stay awake.

"Yes Cutie?" He asked as the band stopped.

"Tell Juliet I said hi," She mumbled.

"You got it Cutie," He said, "Sleep tight, Em."

They headed down the stairs and towards the door. "Thanks Boys," Erica said kissing each one on the cheek again.

"Who's Juliet?" Kota asked as he opened the door.

Andy smiled fondly, "My wife." He turned back to Erica, "Nice to finally meet you, Miss Lee. Good night."

"Good night Andy, CC, Jinxx, Jake, and Ashley," She hugged them, "Thank you again."

"Always," CC smiled, "They are like our little sisters." The band left and Erica looked at the team.

"What?" She asked seeing the looks on their faces.

"You knew they were bringing Ember, didn't you?" Kota asked.

She shrugged, "Maybe? Anyway, thanks for dinner, I'm heading home to get some much needed sleep. Bye love you," She kissed each on the cheek and started to leave then said, "You better not give them shit in the morning, do you understand me?" They nodded and she smiled, "Good."

Ember woke up and groaned, she felt like shit. She drank way too much. She reached over for her phone and sighed when she realized it was dead. "Jess, where's your charger?" She asked as Jess sat up and groaned clutching her head.

"Should be right there," She mumbled as she headed to the bathroom.

"It's not," Ember mumbled as stripped and got in the shower. "It's not anywhere on your stand."

"Fucking hell, the guys probably took it," Jess groaned as it dawned on her where they were.

"Shit," Ember groaned. "This is going to be fun."

"How did we end up here?" Jess asked confused.

Courtney came into the bathroom, "Andy called your mom for your address and I guess she gave them this one. I don't remember anything after hearing him talk on your phone."

"Fucking great," Ember said as she quickly finished up and wrapped a towel around her. "Well, I know how this day is going to be." She sighed as she stepped to the side so Jess could get in the shower with Courtney. "Can I use your phone?"

"It should be in the room," Jess called out, "but with the guys I can't guarantee it."

Ember came back into the bathroom a few moments later, "Both of your phones are dead as well."

Jessica huffed in annoyance, "Just great. Alright, I'll deal with them."

The girls got dressed then headed downstairs. "Oh my god, I'm going to hurl," Ember groaned as she smelled the food cooking.

"Here," Sean said handing her some electrolyte water and headache medicine. "Go sit on the couch, I'll bring you some toast."

"No lecture?" She eyed him suspiciously.

"Your hangover is enough of a punishment," Owen said coming over to them.

"Something's up with them," Jessica whispered and Ember nodded.

"I bet Momma got to them," Ember whispered back.

"We can still hear you," North chuckled. She stuck her tongue out at him then headed to the living room with Jessica and Courtney following.

"Where's my charger?" Jessica asked Kota as he walked into the living room.

"I put it up so you could get a good night's sleep," Kota said softly. "Give me your phone and I'll charge it for you."

"Charge all of ours," Jessica glared, "Em needs to get ahold of her manager. She has work later today."

"All of you need a day off to rest and recover," North said and Ember rolled her eyes.

"Just let me use your phone to call an Uber, please," Ember said looking at Kota. "I don't want to stay here any longer than necessary."

"After you eat," Kota agreed, "Please, so I know you have something in your system."

"Fine," She rolled her eyes, "But that's it."

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