Chapter 36

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"Look at this shit," Gabe groaned as he tossed some papers on to the table. The guys looked down to see pictures of Ember sitting in some punk's lap and another of her walking beside him leaving a restaurant, plus a picture of the guy with four others.

(Images found on Google)

(Images found on Google)

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"Who is this?" Brandon asked

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"Who is this?" Brandon asked.

"Andy Biersack also known as Andy Black from Black Veil Brides," North growled.

"She's even the fucking leading lady in their new goddamn music video Rebel Love Song. It doesn't look like her at fucking first but if you look closely you can tell it's fucking her. She looks so goddamn plain in it. The only reason I caught on is because her name is in the fucking credits and then I went back and fucking looked," Gabe pouted. "Do you think she is fucking dating him?"

"Maybe," Kota shrugged, "Or she could just be friends with him. Either way we can't get mad about it, she isn't ours."

"Yes, she is," North growled.

"No, she isn't because you had a fucking temper tantrum over some goddamn sexy as hell photos," Gabe glared. "They weren't even naked photos, just fucking tempting sexy ones."

"Quit reminding me that I fucked up!" North yelled standing up knocking over his chair. "I know it, I fucking get it alright!" He stormed out of the room and into the gym. After a couple of hours he came back in. "Show me the music video."

Kota pulled up the music video and they listened and watched as she meets the rebel and runs away from her dad and the lyrics are talking about the good girl falling in love with the rebel outlaw and running away to be together. It was a punk love song. They groaned and sighed in frustration.

(I know it's not Avril Lavigne, I'm just imaging if it was)

"You haven't heard from Jess?" Victor asked as he watched her kiss the leading man who wasn't Andy since he was singing.

"He looks like Nikki Sixx wannabe," North scoffed. "They all look like 80's punks."

"So?" Silas shrugged, "Quit looking for reasons to hate them when we don't know if there is even anything going on with them and her."

Kota shook his head, "Jess isn't returning my texts."

"Ugh, I hate waiting," Luke pouted.

"Too bad," Victor shook his head. "That's what we will do until we know more."

Another month passed and Erica was eating a late dinner with the boys after a long shift when she received a phone call. "Erica Lee speaking," She said setting her fork down. "Oh, hello, well, I'm currently at my sons' house, you can just bring the girls here. They have rooms that they can crash here at. The code for the gate is 0914, thank you so much. Okay, see you soon, thank you again." She ended the call and sent a text then placed her phone down. "Gabriel, as soon as you are done eating you will need to make Jess' room ready, please."

"Is something wrong with Jess and Courtney?" Sean asked and Erica shook her head.

"No," She smirked, "The girls just went out for some fun and apparently the new place they went to had stronger drinks than they were use to. They were going to use an Uber but the driver creeped them out so one of the friends offered to bring them home but she fell asleep before she could give the address so they got my number from her phone." She took a drink then glared at them with the mom look, "You will not give them a hard time about having some fun, am I understood?"

"Yes Momma," They all said at the same time.

About ten minutes later, just as Gabe and Luke were coming down the stairs the doorbell rang. Erica opened the door and smiled at the punk from the pictures holding Ember in his arms. "Hello Andy."

"Miss Lee," He nodded politely. "I'm sorry for disturbing you this late at night but I didn't feel comfortable going through the girls' purses to find Jessica's or Ember's address."

"It's not a problem at all," She said stepping back allowing him to enter with his four band mates following him. Two of them had Jessica and Courtney in their arms and the other two were carrying their purses and phones. "I appreciate you boys bringing them here, I hope it wasn't out of your way."

"Not at all Ma'am," One of the members said shaking his head. "I'm CC." He was holding Courtney.

"Jinxx," Another said handing Erica the purses in his hand.

"Ashley," the one holding Jessica said.

"Jake," said as he handed her the purse and phones in his hand.

"Oh Dear, what happened to your hands?" She asked noticing some scrapped knuckles. "Are any of you injured as well?"

"We are fine Miss Lee," Andy smirked. "We just had to make a few men understand that no means no when the girls didn't want to accept their drinks or dance with them, that's all."

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