Chapter 16

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"RED!" Ember screamed as she sat up in bed and looked around panicked. She heard the door swing open and she started shaking. "No, no, please, no, please, no more."

"EMBER!" Jessica shouted as she hopped up on the bed and hugged her best friend who was shaking.

"Jess," Ember gasped as the light came on and she saw her friend holding her close. "Jess."

"I'm here Em," Jessica said soothingly, "I'm here."

"I'm sorry," Ember burst into tears, "I'm sorry."

"You're okay," Jessica said gently rocking her friend, "You're safe. Everything's okay, you're safe."

"Sorry," She clutched Jessica tightly.

"There is nothing to be sorry for," Silas said as he stood by the bed. "Nightmares are horrible things to deal with. I have them myself."

"You do?" She sniffled as Jessica got in bed with her.

"Yeah," Silas nodded. "From time to time I tend to relive a dark time of my past. It helps when I have one of the guys stay with me so I can feel safe while I deal with it."

"You do?" She asked and he nodded.

"Do you want a couple of us to stay with you?" North asked. "All of us deal with nightmares."

"It'll be okay," Jessica said softly. "It's still kind of early, let the guys lay with you, Em. I have to get ready for work but you need more sleep. Let them protect you and I will see you later today."

"Okay," She sniffled as Jess hugged her then got out of bed and left the room. Silas laid beside her then North got on the other side. "Sorry," She whispered as she trembled.

"You're safe, Angelos Mou" Silas whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair. "We won't anyone hurt you anymore. You are safe."

"Close your eyes Baby," North whispered as he wrapped his arm around her stomach. She tried to shake her head but gave in as their scents and warmth surrounded her. They started talking in Greek and she relaxed under their voices then eventually drifted back to sleep.

Ember felt a hand on her stomach and the thumb moving up and down. "Sleep Kitten," Raven said roughly into her neck as he felt her start to wake. "I protect Kitten."

"Dark," She whispered into the pitch darkness of the room.

"Corey light," Raven said moving his hand off her stomach and touched the arm that she just realized was on her upper arm.

"Huh?" Corey groaned as he started to wake.

"Light," Raven said and she felt Corey remove his hand. The bed shifted and then the TV turned on.

"What do you want to watch Sweetie?" Corey asked, she shrugged so he turned on some music and laid back down. "You okay?" She shrugged again and he watched her closely.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Just trying to make sure you are okay," He said honestly.

"I'm fine," she said shifting but stilled when Raven tightened his grip on her.

"Still Kitten," Raven said, his voice on her skin made her tense up. "Nyet tired?"

"Nyet," She whispered and he chuckled.

"Don't start Raven," Corey shook his head. "Are you hungry Ember?"

"Nyet," Ember shook her head, "I mean no."

"Are you hurting?" Corey asked.

"Little," She admitted. "But don't bother Doc, I'm fine."

"He awake," Raven said, "All awake."

"I'll go get him," Corey smiled softly, "he was just waiting for you to wake to see how you were feeling."

"I'm fine," She shook her head. "Leave him alone he's a busy man." She sat up and pulled her shirt down that had rose up from Raven touching her stomach. "Bathroom."

Corey moved out of the way and she headed to the bathroom. "Go get Doc," Corey said tossing Raven a shirt. "Get dressed, she's starting to get uncomfortable."

Ember came out of the bathroom and saw Sean sitting on the bed while Corey and Raven were no longer in the room. She sighed, "I told them to not bother you."

"I'm not working today," He shook his head. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," She said a little too quickly for his liking.

"Okay," He nodded, "Can I check your bruises please?"

"I guess," She sighed and walked over to him. He gently lifted her shirt but made sure to keep her breasts covered out of respect for her. He helped her place her arms on his shoulders and he gently touched the bruises on her ribs. She flinched and tried to pull away, "Ow."

"Sorry," he said as he pulled her shirt down. "I'll go get you some pain pills."

"No," She shook her head. "I'm fine."

"Why don't you want pain meds?" He asked then it dawned on him. "I won't let you addicted again, Pookie, I promise. Please try and trust me."

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