Chapter 9

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"How is it going?" Jessica asked as Ember walked around the hotel room.

"Weird," Ember said honestly. "They insisted on paying for the hotel rooms and made sure they are joined. When I tried to argue they glared and Raven took me to go get something to eat from the restaurant next door. He wouldn't even let me pay for that. Ugh, so frustrating!"

Jessica burst into laughter, "Yeah, that sounds about right with them."

Ember sighed and plopped down on the bed, "I'll just be glad to have my Jeep back so I can drive again, North won't let me drive."

"Yeah, he's very protective over his Jeep," Jessica chuckled. "So do you want to tell me what happened with the snake? I heard Axel tell Sean about it because North was worried about your anxiety afterwards. He wanted to know what to look out for just in case."

"I just wasn't paying attention to the ground, the sky looked so open and beautiful," Ember said as she leaned back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. She closed her eyes and sighed, "The stars were so clear and shining I just had to capture it, I hardly see that anymore, I couldn't help it." She cleared her throat, "Anyway, I just wasn't paying attention and stepped right next to a rattlesnake and it started winding up my leg, I freaked out."

"Holy shit, I bet," Jessica gasped, "I would freak out also."

"Raven ended up killing it with a knife so it's all good now," Ember sighed as she put her arm over her eyes, she was starting to get a headache.

"What aren't you telling me Girl?" Jess asked confused. "I know you are hiding something, come on tell me what else happened?"

"North used his Dom voice," Ember sighed then nibbled on her lip, "I may have reacted differently than he was expecting."

"Oh shit," Jessica whispered and Ember heard her switch from speaker to regular. "Talk to me."

"He wanted me to call him Master," Ember whispered, "I couldn't, I can't, I won't."

"Did he push you to call him that?" Jessica asked catching the attention of the rest of the group.

"No," Ember sighed, "That's the confusing part. He actually respected me saying no."

"What's so confusing about that?" Jessica asked confused, "He was respecting your wishes on not to call him that. I don't understand."

"Never mind," Ember sighed, "I need to go, Girl. I need to start going through and checking the photos I took today."

"Em," Jessica spoke softly. "I'm here if you need to talk."

"Thanks," Ember said then hung up the phone. She groaned then sat up. She pulled out her laptop and headed to the table that was in the room. She got everything sat up then started going through the photos she took.



Ember jumped at hearing their voices right behind her, "Fucking hell, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" She gasped as she quickly turned around to face them.

"Sorry," North smirked, "We did say you name three times though."

"Oh," She shrugged then turned back to the laptop, "What's up?"

"Nyet eat," Raven said noticing her food untouched.

"Not hungry," She murmured as she opened another program and started doing some cropping to one of the pictures. "Will eat later."

"Kitten okay?" Raven asked noticing she seemed more tense as she tried to focus.

"Yeah fine," She said as she tried to focus on what she was doing.

"Why don't you take a break Baby?" North asked softly.

"I need to get this done," She murmured as she did some more stuff on the computer.

"You will give yourself a headache if you don't take breaks," North mentioned as he sat a bottle of water by her. She stuck her tongue out at it making them both chuckle. "Water is good for you."

"It's nasty," She shook her head as she kept working.

"Would you like me to try and find a flavored one?" North asked and she shook her head.

"Nope, all water is nasty," She said as she moved to another picture.

"Want drink Kitten?" Raven asked curiously.

"Dr. Pepper or vodka," She mumbled causing Raven to burst into laughter.

"Russian Kitten?" Raven asked and she shook her head.

"Ugh," She muttered at the next picture that popped up, "This is going to need a lot of work," She murmured to herself as she kept working on the laptop.

"We will come back in an hour and see how you are doing," North said trying to restrain himself from making her stop and take a break.

"Yeah uh huh," She murmured clearing not paying attention.

"Come on Raven, we will come back," North said forcing himself to step away. Raven picked up her food and sat it beside her.

"Fine," Raven said not liking it but agreeing for now.

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