Chapter 15

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Ember woke up and frowned, she wasn't in the hospital anymore. She slowly started to sit up and looked around. The bedding was purple and black and her laptop and cameras were on the desk in the room. She slowly got out of bed then sat back down when she got dizzy while standing up. Once she felt better she tried standing again.

"Oh hey Girl, you are awake," Jessica smiled as she came into the room. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a truck," Ember groaned, "oh wait I did. Where the fuck am I?"

"At my brother's place," Jessica said softly. "Doc said you were well enough to travel so he brought you back to their place so he could keep an eye on you while you recover."

"Are you serious?" Ember asked shocked while Jessica helped her stay balanced as she stood. Jessica nodded and Ember groaned, "I don't want to be here Jess."

"Why?" Jessica asked softly. "Wouldn't it be best to stay here so Doc can make sure you are okay? I'll be staying here as well."

"I just can't," Ember shook her head then groaned. "I can't."

"Because of your scars and past?" Jessica asked. "We all have dark pasts, they won't have a problem with it. I know you don't like talking about it but you should know you said something right before we brought you here."

"I did?" Ember asked scared. "What did I say?"

"You ran from your master and if he finds you he will kill you," Jessica admitted and Ember tensed up. She completely froze and Jess didn't like how fast the color drained from her skin. "Em?" Jessica asked nervously. "Ember."

"I have to leave," Ember said snapping out of her trance. "I need to leave now. Let go of me Jess."

"No," Jessica said tightening her hold on Ember's hands. "You aren't well enough first off, and second off they already know. Remember North helped you the snake? It's not anything to be embarrassed about."

"I'm not embarrassed," Ember shook her head. "I just can't be in that lifestyle anymore. They are like that, they like that lifestyle, hell North and Raven tried commanding me even after there was an agreement not to. They want that dynamic, but I won't be in that kind of lifestyle anymore. I won't."

"Okay, that's fine," Sean said as he came into the room. "That's fine, but right now you need to get back into bed so you can rest." She glared at him and he smirked, "I'm only speaking as a doctor Ember. Your body need to recover and rest, so back in bed, please."

Ember huffed and sighed, "Fine." Jessica helped her get back into the bed and she continued to glare at Sean. "I don't like this."

"I understand," Sean said as he held her wrist and looked down at his watch. "But unfortunately you need to stay here until you are healed from that wreck."

"I'm staying as well," Jess smiled softly as she sat on the bed. "So you won't be here all alone with them. Now we can hang out more, think of it that way."

"I guess," Ember sighed. "But what about my work?"

"You can work on editing your pictures and this mansion is huge," Jessica shrugged. "I would be very shocked if you couldn't find something around here to capture with your creative eye. I think you will love the gardens, honestly."

"Just how fucking big is this place?" Ember asked shocked.

"We have 20 bedrooms and there is also an art studio, library, media room, and 15 offices," Sean smiled as he lifted the back of her shirt to check the bruises on her back.

"Fucking hell," Ember whispered. "You millionaires or something?"

"Maybe," Sean chuckled. "Would you like to try and eat something so I can give you some more pain medication? I'm sure you are still hurting pretty badly."

"Now that you say something," Ember shrugged, "I guess I can eat something."

"Great, lunch is actually ready," Brandon said as he came into the room. "Here we go Babe," Brandon walked over and scooped her up into his arms.

"Careful Brandon," Sean said as he followed them out of the room. "She still has some deep bruises."

"I'm fine Doc," Ember said looking back at him. "I'll let you know if it starts to hurt too bad."

"We have some company for lunch," Brandon smiled as he carried her into the living room. "Look who is joining us."

"Hey you are finally awake," Nathan smiled as everyone looked up from what they were doing. "How are you feeling?"

"Hungry," She shrugged, "Tired, hurt, I'm sure other stuff too."

"Well, let's get you fed," Luke chuckled. "What would you like to watch while we eat?"

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