Escape Plan

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About an hour before Izuku's recovery, 3rd person POV:

The doors to Ace's and Ryukyu's cell opened to show several guards as well as Magellan present to escourt them. "Alright you two, time to head out. Your escort ship is outside." Both were unbound from the wall, but still shackled to be dragged out. Neither one believed there was any hope left with a sudden reminder of Izuku coming to their head.

"GET MOVING!" One of the guards shouted while trying to kick Ryukyu. This ended badly as she retaliated and kicked the guy full force in the face to send him flying.

"I don't care what you all think is right or wrong in this situation. No matter what, the world sees us as heroes and I refuse to be treated like a petty criminal! YOU EVEN STARE AT ME THE WRONG WAY AND I WILL SHOW YOU NO MERCY! UNDERSTAND!?"

Most of the guards shuttered in fear as Magellan came closer to pull the chain on her hands to bring Ryukyu close to himself. "I hope you understand that if you do that again, then I will retaliate against you."

"Then tell your men to stop treating me like a petty crook." The group began walking towards the elevator to start heading up towards the top floor. As they did, Ryukyu was praying silently that Izuku was doing well. 'Please just be ok, Midoriya.'

Back to present

Izuku looked around the room to see Yaoyorozu and Bon. "Bon. You alright-" He stumbled and fell on his hands and knees. "What the?"

"That's unfortunately another problem with this type of treatment. Your body is healed, but still weak from it. You'll have to wait about a day before you can even do anything." Iva turned to Bon to make sure he's ok and to check to make sure nothing was hurt too far. "Poor Bon boy. He kept going for hours. Shouted to encourage you and keep you from succumbing."

"Thank you, Bon. I know it probably wasn't easy for you, but I truly appreciate it."

"*cough* You're a friend. Why wouldn't I do what I can for you." Izuku smiled before Yaoyorozu came over and held his face covering in front of him.

"Here. You'd probably prefer having this on your face." She looked away from him while handing it to him.

Izuku grabbed it and put the cover on her face before looking to Iva. "When is the execution of Ryukyu and Ace?"

"Today. The official execution is at 3. However, our sources tell us that they're already sending Ace and Ryukyu to Marinefort notably before. In fact, they're probably on their way to the entrance of the prison now." Izuku tried to get up, but couldn't get up on his feet. "It's not worth trying. Don't get up or you'll-"

"I'm not giving up! Right now is the only time I have to save both of them! I don't care how I do it, I'm going to save Ryukyu and Ace even if I have to crawl to Marinefort to save them!"

Izuku continued to stand up, but couldn't do anything. Iva tried to stand in his way to stop him. "You do realize doing this would be pointless, right? You're going to die in the state you're in."

"Then do something to help me. You did it before, so do it again if you're that concerned of me dying."

"I'm not going to help you any farther since you've already lost a large chunk of your lifespan. Do you even realize what you just went through!? No human being in their right mind after going through that should even try to do more! YOU ARE INSANE!"

Izuku stared at Iva for a moment before turning to Yaoyorozu. "How much would finding out about this place be worth to your uncle? Enough to save Ryukyu and Ace?"


"WHAAAAT!?" Everyone shouted at this shock as Yaoyorozu gave a wicked smirk.

"He might even consider helping you out with the Charlotte family as well as aid Whitebeard if it meant stopping this madness from happening."

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