Chapter 19

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"Y'all can stay for a little bit, but later it's just going to be us girls."

"Why can't we stay?" Drew whines.

"Because it's a girl's night." I reprimanded.

"Fine." He groans.

We had all got out of the pool by now, and we're in the theater room trying to discuss what movie to watch and why the boys have to leave, so us girls can have a sleep over.

"What about Pet Cemetery?" Derek asks.

"I've never seen it." I tell them.

"I almost peed my pants watching it." Megan says with wide eyes.

"All scary movies make you pee your pants." Halley snorts.

"Well we are watching Pet Cemetery." Drake says before snatching it out of Derek's grasp and putting in the DVD player.

We all grab our boyfriends and find a spot to sit. I snuggle into Drake's side. While everyone else sits on the bottom row. "I'm scared." I whispered to Drake.

"The movie hasn't even started yet." Drake chuckles.

I stick my tongue out at him and the movie starts. I look at the screen and try to watch the movie without hiding my face into Drake's side the whole time. About half way in the cat pops up unexpectedly and I hear a scream before I see popcorn fly everywhere. Halley pauses the movie while Derek laughs his butt off at Megan's reaction. "Y-you have a-a-already seen it. H-how are you scared? You s-s-saw that coming." Derek stutters out in between laughter.

"Well I think us guys should go make some more popcorn since someone spilled all of it." Drake says giving Megan a pointed look while she blushes. They leave the room and I sprint to go flip on the lights before I jump in between them on the bottom row. I am not about to sit by myself. What if a monster comes.

We sit there whispering to eachother about random things. Why are we whispering you ask. If we talk too loud we might wake the dead. Duh. I hear a a loud bang coming frome the kitchen before someone yelling. What the heck is going on? "Guys?" I call out.

No response. "Go check on them." Halley says.

"What? Why me?" I ask incredulously.

"It's your house." She shrugs.

I shake my head profusely. I'm not about to get murdered. All of a sudden all the lights shut off. "Anybody have their phone?" I ask weakly.


"Mines dead." Is all I get from them. Well crap.

"Guys, if your messing with us it's not funny. You scared us now come on out." I hear nothing in return.

I sit there with wide eyes in a huddle with Megan and Halley. We hear a groan behind us. I freeze and shut my eyes, saying a silent prayer. All of a sudden hands come and grasp us from behind. We each let out a piercing scream before the hands move away and the lights flip on. All of a sudden we hear uncontrollable laughter.

I stop screaming and slowly turn around. Low and behold it's Drake, Drew and Derek. They are so dead. "What the hell?" I shouted at them.

"Y-you should h-have s-s-seen your face." Drak says in between laughter. They sure have been laughing a lot at us.

I grunt in response before crossing my arms. "Y'all are jerks." I mutter.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game!" Drew says trying to act ghetto, but failing miserably.

"No." I say flatly. "Just no."

He grins in return. "I think it's time for them to go." Halley says. I nod in agreement.

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