Chapter 4

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Drake P.O.V

What just happened? Why did Lily run out like that? I mean, I can't be that bad of a kisser...I've been told I'm pretty good at it actually.

I'm so stupid! I shouldn't have kissed her, but I just had to. She kissed me back, and let me tell you it was one of the best kisses I have ever had. I have had quite a few of them, so I have a lot to compare to. I may seem cocky or arrogant, but what guy isn't?

Lily was something different. She didn't try to impress me, she was just her. I like that. A lot.

I wonder where she ran to. Maybe I should go look for her, but than I would seem clingy, and I don't think she wants to see me anyway.

I have never wanted to chase after a girl. Girls want to chase after me. What is Lily Reed doing to me?


Megan P.O.V

"So why did we have to leave?" Derek asked me with a confused look.

"I wanted to leave Lily and Drake alone, because they like each other, but they won't admit it." I say with a matter of fact tone.

"Don't try to be Cupid because it's just going to end badly." Derek tells me.

"You don't know that! What if they get married and have 19 kids? They could have their own show, especially if one of them is a little person. TLC will be calling them up. I could set them up and make them famous! One day they will be thanking me." I say with a smirk.

"Okay baby, I believe you." Derek says with a smile. The smile that reached his eyes, and his two cute little dimples start to show. Swoon.

"Come on the bell is fixing to ring, let's head to fifth period, and see how much my Cupid skills worked." I said excitedly.

We walk into fifth period and see Lily and Drake, but they're sitting on opposite sides of the room. I give Derek a look and he nods in understanding. I walk over to Lily, while Derek goes over to Drake to see what the issue was between them.

"Hey Lily", I say hoping everything worked out between them.

"Oh hi." She says not really paying attention, but that doesn't stop me from asking what's wrong.

"So did you and Drake get along while y'all were alone?" I ask.

"Yeah....actually no, something happened and-", the tardy bell cut her off.

I stuck up my finger, signaling the one minute gesture. I grabbed a piece of paper and started to pass notes with her.

So what happened?-M

Where should I start...At the beginning it was going fine, we were just asking questions about what we like, the usual. Than all of a sudden he kisses me!-L

That's great!!-M

No! Not great. That's the second time I have talked to him, and we have already kissed! I'm not that kind of girl...I used to date guys just to fool around, but I can't do it anymore. I can't be that girl, she's gone and if he wanted that then he should've met me freshman or sophomore year.

I can't pretend that I don't want to settle down with someone, because I do, but I know where it's going to lead me. It's going to lead me to heart break just like my mom. I know relationships can last, but not in my family, it's like hereditary or something.-L

Woah. This is more than a simple kiss. Maybe I'm not Cupid, Derek was right. He doesn't have to know that though.

Call me after school-M

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