Chapter 8: Bakugo's start line.

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-Play Opening-

(Izumi's POV)

I watched as my brother flipped Bakugo over his shoulder, and I felt a sense of pride. I couldn't have been happier for Izuku to finally get in a shot at Bakugo.

Suji: Those are some really cool moves, where did he learn that from?

Izumi: I honestly don't know, but I couldn't be more proud of him.

The scene continues as the screen shows Izuku and Bakugo were still going at it as Uraraka runs to where Iida and the weapon was.

-While inside the building Izuku and Bakugo are at a stand off.-

Bakugo: Where's that flashy quirk of yours huh?!

Izuku stayed silent, but not before he ran the other way leaving Bakugo in an angry state.

Bakugo: Hey! GET BACK HERE, DEKU!!!

-back to the review room-

Kirishima: Midoriya's running away! Not very manly but it's pretty much his only option, that Bakugo guy sure has it out for him.

Suji: Actually I believe Midoriya has a sound strategy.

The rest of the class and All Might turn towards Suji as I do the same as I grow interested in what he means.

Suji: Midoriya must have known Bakugo would go after him first for whatever personal reasons he has, by going straight to Midoriya it let Uraraka sneak away from them and towards Iida. Bakugo's anger probably is clouding his judgment by the fact that he probably didn't even inform Iida about Uraraka. Midoriya might not handle a one-on-one match with Bakugo, so he's leading him away for Uraraka to complete the mission.

Kaminari: Oh I get it, so Midoriya is using himself as live bait? Wow, guy has guts.

Everyone agreed with Suji's thoughts as we turned our attention back to the screen to see Bakugo had found Izuku.

-inside the building-

Bakugo: All loaded up.

Izuku:'What does he mean by that?' I'm not scared of you, Bakugo!

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Izuku:'What does he mean by that?' I'm not scared of you, Bakugo!

Bakugo's eyes widened as if he was caught off guard, but it slowly turned back into a heated glare.

Bakugo: You've been stalking me for a long time now so you probably know how my quirk works right?

Izuku looked at Bakugo with confusion.

Bakugo: I secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat in my hands which I can explode on impact. What do you think would happen if I had a lot of sweat stored up at once?

This caused Izuku and All Might to suddenly get caught off guard.

Bakugo: That's right! These gauntlets aren't just for show, they've been storing up my sweat to make one big blast!

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