Mr. & Mrs.

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Today was the day I finally got to marry the man of my dreams, the father of our children, the man I fell in love with.

The minister started. "Jason Crouse do you take Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife" He confidently responded looking into my eyes. "I do". "Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N do you take Jason Crouse to be your lawfully wedded husband". I smiled and looked into his eyes and said. "I do".

Then the minister continued "you may now kiss the bride" We kissed in a way that felt more passionate than the kisses we shared in our time of being together. And then finally "I now present to you Mr and Mrs Crouse"

Everyone then cheered and clapped in the name of our love.

Later at the reception when Jason and I danced to Sabrina Claudio's Frozen. It was like magic. I never knew that being truly in love with one person could make you feel like time has stopped and there is no one in the world but you and them.

As we slow danced and looked into each others eyes I knew that I would truly be in love forever.

Hey guys I know that I've been long overdue for an update. I've just been super busy with work, working on my mental health, physical health and things like that. I hope that you all enjoyed this story to all of you with love XOXO Kmoney 😘❤️

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