Sleepless Night

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After I got home I went inside went straight up to my room and cried. I knew I was gonna miss Jason more than anything but I think it's best to not see him anymore.

Amanda probably thinks I'm just a slut who became her friend just to get close to her dad but that's not the case at all. Amanda is like a sister to me we've always been there for each other.

Then my phone buzzed.

Jason: I miss you so much I can't stand being without you. Please just don't do this. I need you.

I looked at the text and didn't respond it was just to much to bare right now.

I tried going to sleep after my shower but it was no use. Jason's face was burned into my brain. His voice like a tape recorder in my mind. There's no denying that I'm in love but I have to focus on school and trying to make Amanda understand.

I texted Amanda.

Y/N: Hey I know you're upset with me right now but hear me out I'm sorry. Please don't hate me or your dad. We just kinda fell in love but it all happened so quickly that's why I hesitated to tell you.

Amanda: Please don't ever talk to me again I can't even bare thinking about my own best friend of almost 6 years having sex with my dad.

That was the moment I knew our friendship was over. It felt like the whole world was crumbling around me. I just lost the man I love and my best friend all in one night. A few hours later I managed to fall asleep but I kept tossing and turning.

Try sleeping with a broken heart.

This one's a short one guys but I've got more Juicy stuff cooking in the pot I'm glad you guys like it xoxo Kmoney ❤️

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