Gender reveal party

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"Babe we have to get streamers for the party" I said kissing Jason. He rolled over and groaned. "Come on big daddy up now" I whined. "Alright but only because i love you" he said kissing me back and smiling.

He got out of bed and I couldn't help but stare at his immaculate tall frame. "I know you're staring at me it's not nice to stare" He said laughing. "Well in this case it is" I said back biting my lip. My eyes dragged over his tattooed arms, admired his lightly tanned skin, and took in his large limbs.

Then I jumped on his back and he caught me. "Let's make love before we leave" I said kissing his neck. "See I knew it you little naughty girl" He said making me blush. "What I can't help it you're so sexy" I said running my hands down his arms. "Later doll" he said laying me on the bed and kissing me neck. "Noo you can't tease me then say later no fair" I said pouting. "You're so cute when you fuss" he said kissing my nose.

Then he got up, went in the bathroom, and started his shower. I went downstairs turned some music on started dancing while trying to find something to eat. I was now four months pregnant and the cravings were starting. As I let the music take my mind and body far away I had forgot that Jason was in the shower. I was at the sink washing my plate then suddenly felt two strong arms wrap around me. I gasped. "Jason you scared me" I said then laughed. "Sorry doll didn't mean to but I'm gonna take you up on that sexy time offer" He said kissing my neck again.

"What do you mean hunny?" I said smiling. "I don't know what it is but this whole pregnant thing tightens my britches" He said putting me up on the kitchen counter. "Oh really" I said smirking knowing exactly what was coming next. We started kissing hastily. My hands in his hair, his lips on my nipples that  were prominent and swollen. Then he hiked my night gown up to where it was bunched up around my waist and pulled my panties down. "Jesus doll you're soaked" He said dipping two fingers in my wetness. Then I grabbed his arm looked him in the eyes and said. "Jason enter me" and with that he slid is rock solid cock into me almost sending me into over drive.

With every thrust I felt like I was gonna explode. My hands clawing at his back, my head back and Jason attacking my neck  with kisses. "You like that you little naughty slut?" He said ramming into me. "Yes daddy I love it" i said almost reaching my breaking point. He could tell I was close and went faster. "Ohh Daddy right there that's it" I moaned out. "You gonna cum for daddy baby doll?" He said looking up at me. "Yes daddy" i said looking him in the eye. I felt my high creep up and wash over me. "Uhhhh daddy I'm cumming" I screamed and he kept going. "Yes yes yes yes fuuuuuck " He moaned releasing inside me.

Then he kissed me and smiled. "I've never seen you cum so hard before" He said lifting me off the counter and taking me back upstairs. "Maybe it's the effects of the pregnancy" I said smiling and kissing him. "Well whatever it is doll I like it" He said kissing me back.

After I got out of the shower and put my clothes on I had to have Jason help me with my shoes. "Babe can you help me with my shoes?" I said. "Certainly doll" he said smiling. Jason was so happy to be the father of our child it's like his do over and I'm so excited for everyone to know the sex of the baby. After I got my shoes on the baby kicked and I sat on the bed for a minute. "This is definitely going to be a soccer kid" I said and he laughed. "Why's that doll?" He said. "Because it's kicking the shit out of me today" I said putting my hand on the spot the baby kicked.

In the car I couldn't help but notice the pure happiness that was radiating off of Jason. I think he's more excited than I am. We sang songs that came on the radio with the windows down and the wind in our hair. I wanna marry this man right now if I could. We acted just like a newly married couple. To have his last name would be an honor.

We arrived at the store and he helped me get out of the car like a gentlemen. We walked inside hand in hand. "Ya know something doll?" He started. "What's that babe" I said looking at him. "I'm glad to have the most beautiful woman alive and she's having my baby" He said beaming with happiness.

"Ouuuu bae look all the cute baby stuff" i said. "Awww the little booties" he said holding them up. "We need to get the balloons" i said. "That's a good idea" he said going to find the balloons.

After we got everything we needed for the party we headed back home to get ready. "Baby it's almost time" I said going up to him. "I can't wait to see what our little bundle of joy is" he said smiling and kissing me. "You're gonna be so surprised" I said.

Later, guests starting arriving. "Heyy omg you're so big already" my mother squealed. "Yea I'm only 5 months" i said hugging her. Then Amanda came "I can't wait for my little brother or sister" she said hugging me. Maybe she was starting to accept her fathers and I's love for eachother and I'm more than thrilled about it.

"Ok everyone it's time for the big announcement" i said while Jason stood next to me. "I'm so happy that all of you came to have a good time and now it's time for the big reveal" I started. "There is not only one baby but 2" I said and Jason's eyes got as big as saucers. "Baby are you serious it's 2 babies?" He said. "Yes hunny 2 babies that's why I waited so long to tell you" I said. Then we brought the balloons out. Jason stood on the right and I stood on the left. "Ok here we go 3...2...1" I said then popped the balloon and it was pink confetti indicating a girl. Then we popped balloon number 2 and it was also pink confetti.

Jason picked me up and spun me around. "I love you and our little girls more than anything" he said while kissing me.

What do you think they're gonna name the little girls? Leave names in the comments.

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