Our Little secret

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"Ok" I said out of breath. "No one can know that this ever happened" "No one will know trust me" He said smiling flashing his dimples. "I'm serious do you know what my mom would do to me if she ever found out that we had sex let alone Amanda" I said trying not to freak out.

"But it felt good didn't it" he said chuckling. "Jason" I said laughing. "What" He said laughing looking into my eyes. "Yes it did but this is once in a while thing not all the time" I said being cautious.

"Ok fine once in a while" he said then put another cigarette in his mouth and lit it. "You know those are bad for you" i said getting out of his truck and closing the door. Then he rolled the window down and said "But you love it" he said rolling the window up.

How could he possibly have known that. I got back in my car and watched him drive away. It was weirdly so attractive how he turned the wheel. On the way home I kept thinking about what if Amanda found out, what if my mom found out.

I arrived home and looked at my phone and seen a text from Amanda

Amanda: hey where are you the guy called and said my car is ready today can you take me to get it?

(Y/N): Sure yea

Amanda: thanks sis!!!!

I drove to Amanda's house and Jason's truck was in the drive way. I hesitantly went inside
Knowing I would see his face. "Hi Jason" i said trying not to seem weird in front of Amanda. "Hey (Y/N)" he said back smiling. "Finally we can go to the mall and look at hot guys" Amanda said as she came down the stairs. "Yea that would be fun" i said looking at Jason walking out the door.

When Amanda and I got in the car I could tell she was looking at me. "Wait a minute" she started. "Where were you? I called you like 50 million times and it went to voicemail" "I was cleaning my room and listening to music I did have the vacuum cleaner going so I didn't hear it" I said trying to make it sound believable. "No that's not it" she said. "What do you mean that's what I was doing" I said back. "Look at you Y/N you're glowing, you're all happy and stuff. Oh my god I know what it is you just had sex didn't you?"

"No what are you talking about" I said back fast. "Oh come on only good sex can make you smell like that" She said excitedly. "No I did not just have sex" I said trying not to blush. "Ouuu I wanna know all the details who was it?, Where was it?" Amanda said eagerly. "It doesn't matter this is the first and last time it's just a little thing" I said trying to brush her off. "So it was just a booty call?" She said disappointed. "Yea kinda I don't really wanna talk about it let's go have fun at the mall"

After we arrived at the mall I couldn't stop thinking about what Jason and I had done. It was just how imagined it. I've had fantasies about having sex in a car and it was amazing. But Jason was something different. He felt so good and just hearing him moan my name was music to my ears.

"Hey are you listening to me?" Amanda said knocking me out of my thoughts. "Yea I'm listening" I said back. "Are you still thinking about your hot little encounter with mr unknown" she said laughing. "No I am not" I said smiling. "Oh you've got to be kidding me" She said looking behind me. "What?" I said turning around to see Jason. "Dad what are you doing here shouldn't you be doing old man stuff" She said cockily. "What I can't come to the mall and hang out with my 2 favorite girls" He said smiling. "Ugh you ruin everything" She said getting angry.

"Oh come on Amanda don't be like that" I said. Then she walked off and said. "Fine I'll look at hot guys by myself you can stick with him if you want" "No that's not what I was implying Amanda" I said trying to catch up with her. Then he whispered in my ear "I can't stop thinking about what we did earlier and something tells me you can't either" Then I turned around looked at him and said. "She's already suspicious Jason"

"Oh come on you know you loved it. The way I was deep inside you" He said seductively. "Jason stop it!" I said trying to stop him. "Ok ok fine I'll go but I bet every time you're little pussy gets wet you'll be thinking about me" he said then walked away.

I caught up with Amanda. "Hey did you really think I was gonna leave you hanging?" I said smiling. "I did for a second" She said turning to look at me. "No I would never you're my best friend"

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