I-Land EP 4 (Part 4)

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"Will never be enough, will never be enough~" I hummed as I washed my hands and left the bathroom. It was Test day and I was not excited. I hadn't changed into my outfit yet, but the vocal and dance units already had, so that meant I needed to soon.

I walked out to the Living room and saw Geonu and Heeseung practicing again. I sat beside EJ as we all watched them sing. "Shouldn't you be dressed?" EJ asked as he turned to me. "Yep, but I'm putting it off til last minute"

"You're a weird one" He mumbled as we paid attention to Heeseung again. While I was listening to him singing his voice cracked in the middle of the note. I immediately shot my head up and looked over at him as he just laughed it off and continued practicing.

"How am I supposed to do this?" I asked as I laid back down on the couch. "Maybe you should go get dressed and run through your performance once more" EJ said as I shook my head. "I don't want to, I'd rather just not show up"

"Emily-ah! Come get dressed" A staff member quietly yelled as they peaked their head around the corner. EJ laughed as I stood up and walked over to her. She brought me to a room and helped do my makeup, outfit and hair. Unlike the dance reps and Vocal reps, I wore all black. (This is what she's wearing)

"Good luck!" She said as I walked out of the private room and went back to the living room

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"Good luck!" She said as I walked out of the private room and went back to the living room. "Can I run my song here since the dance unit is in the practice room?" I asked as the other I-Landers nodded.

I marked most of my dance and focused more on my flow. The one thing I wanted to do was do my front flip and make sure i'll land it, especially since i'm in new shoes i've never performed in. Whenever I went to do it, I slipped a little and stumbled on the landing.

"My shoes are too slippery" I mumbled as I tried again. This time I was able to land, but I still felt uneasy after slipping. I watched the countdown get closer to time. I was super nervous to perform alone.

"Let's all cheer for I-Landers before we go?" Jungwon asked as we all gathered into a circle. "I-Landers are one. I-Land hwaiting!" We all yelled as we separated and waited for the gate to turn.

I stood in front and fiddled with my fingers as Jay came up and patted my back. "You'll do great. Don't worry about doing it alone"

"Please enter the Gate" The voice said as the gate turned.

"Entering that gate made me feel the determination to win. I needed to win for I-land and so they don't regret choosing me as a rap representative. If we don't win, I'll feel really regretful"

I walked into the gate and stood beside K and Jungwon as we all held up our fists and waved to the I-Landers. Whenever the gate turned, we all entered and stood in a line. I entered last and stood beside K at the end.

"I-Landers, stand by" The voice said.

I heard the gate turn and I wanted to turn around to watch them enter, but I had to stay facing the front. The Grounders came walking in and Nicholas stood right beside me. I caught a glimpse of his face and I was afraid he'd break the stage or set it on fire. I tried to watch for Sungchul since in the video he was a vocal representative, but instead Daniel came out. Why did Sungchul back down?

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