I-Land ep 3 (Part 2)

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Why did you choose to back down from part 3?

"I backed down from part 3 because Jungwon could do it better than I could anyway. I really wanted part 2 or part 3 but they gave them to original I-Landers and since i'm from Ground. I wouldn't be chosen."

"Now for part 4, I think we need someone with some strong vocal ability," Seon said. He looked over to me and gestured for me to say something when K turned to Geonu "What about you, Geonu?"

"What do I want to do? I want to do part 4" He gave a small laugh. Part 4 would've helped me show off my vocal skills.

"Then what about... from the Ground? Is there anybody who wants to recommend someone from the Ground" Seon asked as he turned to all of us.

"I want to recommend Emily for part 4 or 5," Heeseung said. "What do you think?" Seon asked, turning to me. "I'd like to do part 5"

"Then part 4 will go to Geonu and part 5 will go to Emily"

"I felt disappointed that I didn't speak up about wanting to do part 4, 3 or even part 2. I was happy with part 5 because it starts the song right after Heeseungie, so I could help set the mood. It may be small, but since I'm usually backing up part 1 and part 2, I can do a good job"

"For part 7, I want to recommend Seon," Heeseung said. "Yes, you should do it!" I agreed. "Is there anyone else?" Heeseung asked. "What about Sunoo?" Sunghoon said. Sunoo should do it as well, he'd be good

"I'm just going to give it up" Sunoo said, I felt he was disappointed in himself. He should've tried it. "Part 7 goes to Seon"

By the end, Sunoo got part 6, Sunghoon got part 9, EJ got part 11, Ta-Ki got part 12, Taeyong got part 8 and Yoonwon got part 10. After assigning parts we decided to go explore I-Land for the people who have yet to see it. "You guys should look around the dormitory first," Seon said as we all walked upstairs.

"It feels like we're back on the first day!" Heeseung said to me and K. "I still can't believe i'm back here"

Taeyong and Yoonwon both looked around shocked at everything. It was their first time being in I-Land, even to me it felt surprising to be back here for a week. "What's that ray of sunshine?" EJ asked as we all looked towards the balcony. There was barely any sunlight in Ground.

"You didn't have sunlight over there?" K asked. "Nope! There were pretty much zero windows" I said as we all gathered in the pantry.

Seon led the entire tour, around I-Land. Everything seemed so new even though I've been here before. We explored the bathroom as well before heading towards the living room again. "The item room!" Heeseung exclaimed. "I want to go see the item room" Taeyong said as we all started to walk over to the item room.

"Oh, wait" Someone said. I tried looking over EJ and Seon. "What is it?" I asked as Seon turned to me. "Are you struggling?" He laughed as I continued trying to look over everyone. "I'm too short for this place" I said as Seon bent down in front of me. "Hop on" I got onto his back as he stood back up and pushed his way to the front.

"What? They changed the clothes here" Heeseung said excitedly. "Cell Phones!" Geonu cheered as he and Heeseung started jumping around excitedly. Seon set me down as we both walked into the item room together. "We've also got new things we didn't have before," Heeseung added. Everyone followed into the item room.

"Oh, wait, it's by BTS" Heeseung said as he picked up a phone and looked at it. "Wow, a phone" I cheered as I picked up the other one. I handed the phone to Seon as he held it up and started to take a selfie with me, Heeseung, EJ and K. "It's amazing" I said as I looked at all the clothes.

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