Training Camp (Part 1)

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I woke up to K snoring from the bed next to me. I looked around the room because I had kind of forgotten where I was for a second, but I soon remembered that I had arrived at the Training camp.

"Wake up!" The staff came to each room, shouting that. K woke up beside me and quickly stretched before looking over to me, "Whoa, you were awake before me" He gasped and teased me. I just rolled my eyes and got out of bed.

"What should we do today with the others? It's supposed to be nice outside today" K said while I cleaned up my bed.

"Let's go on a walk today. It'll be nice to finally get some fresh air" I said and quickly grabbed out some of my clothes from my bag before walking out. Heeseung and Jungwon were already out in the hallways talking with each other in front of the shower room.

"Why are you guys waiting?" I asked as I walked up to them. "Jake, Sunghoon and Jay have taken the showers already, so we're waiting for them to leave" Jungwon replied as Jake walked out of the shower room.

"I'm next!" Jungwon shouted as he slipped into the shower room way before Heeseung could even react to Jake walking out. "Aish, that kid" Heeseung growled while me and Jake laughed.

"What are we going to do today?" Jake asked as Heeseung just shrugged. "Me and K talked about taking a walk today, since tomorrow the rest of us will be arriving" I said, Heeseung gave an approving nod. "Taking a walk sounds nice"

Jay came out of the shower room with Sunghoon as Heeseung quickly walked in. "You aren't going?" Jay asked. "Did you forget I'm the only girl? I'm waiting for everyone to leave"

"The showers have curtains, you know. Just go now, i'm sure Heeseung and Jungwon will be fine with you in there"

"I'm good. I can wait. I did last night" I crossed my arms and leaned back on the wall. K walked into the shower room right after him. "You know, if you go very last with all 23 of us here, you'll get little to no hot water," Sunghoon said.

I sighed. "You're right. Well I'll figure it out" I shrugged again as Jay and Sunghoon walked off after Jake over to the dining hall. I knelt down towards the floor and sat down while I waited. K, Jungwon and Heeseung were taking forever, so I just stood up and met Jay, Jake and Sunghoon in the dining hall.

"Are they taking too long?" Jay laughed and I sat beside him. "You should've gone when we told you to" Sunghoon added.

"I need a designated bodyguard for when I shower with all the boys, to let me know when it's safe to leave and safe to go in" I said as they all laughed. "I got you," Jake said as we high-fived. "Free of charge" I said in English as Jake gave me a look. "No, you have to pay me by giving me your meat" He said as he took some of my food.

I gasped and looked up at him. "Yah! I was going to eat that" I said as he laughed and popped it into his mouth. I huffed and crossed my arms.

After a while Heeseung walked into the dining hall. "Your turn," He said as he rubbed a towel on his head and sat down beside Sunghoon. "Let's go Jake" I said and grabbed my towel and clothes before heading to the shower room. Jake peaked his head into the door and told K he needed to walk back into the shower.

A staff member walked by us as Jake waited for K to get back into the shower. "Sorry to make you share with the boys Emily, but we don't have any more showers. We hadn't planned for a girl until the last minute, but it was too late to change it. We'll try to find somewhere for you to wash up by the end of the week" He said and bowed as I bowed back. "Don't worry, the boys are thankfully understanding and Jake has offered to help me have privacy"

He walked off as Jake gave me the okay to walk in. "No one come out, the lady has entered," Jake said as he escorted me to the last shower stall and he stood right in front of it as I shut the curtain. "Is she in the stall yet?" I heard K ask "Don't worry you're good" Jake replied as I heard K open his curtain.

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