I-land EP 4 (Part 1)

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I watched all the scores show up. 80. 83. 66. 70. 71. 67. 65. 68. 85. 88. 69. 75. No one was below 50! We all got such high scores, so that must mean little eliminations. The numbers started jumbling for our average score.

"Please, please" Heeseung begged. I could feel my heart pounding. As soon as the 78 showed up I jumped out of my chair, unexpectedly. "Whoa!" I cheered as I turned to the score table. As soon as I noticed 4 were being eliminated, I sat down.

"I got too excited," I mumbled as Jungwon laughed from beside me. "It's four people," Heeseung said.

"By the test result, 4 people will be eliminated" The voice said. "That still doesn't make me super happy" Taeyong slightly laughed. "But we did make a lot of progress," Geonu said. That's true, last time they had to eliminate 6 people.

"Our scores were in the 50s before," Sunghoon said as I nodded. I wasn't happy about having to eliminate 4 people still, because I felt I would end up being one of the four.

"From now, the I-Landers with the Top 7 scores will be revealed" The voice said. 7 flipped cards showed up with the top scores below each. 70, 71, 75, 80, 83, 85, and 88. I hoped I would at least be in 7th or 6th.

"I hope I'm in there" Sunghoon said as we all watched the screens. The first card flipped over. EJ. I started clapping and smiling for him. He got 7th! I was so happy for him. "EJ! Congratulations" I yelled as he gave me a nod and smiled.

After I turned back to the screen, Sunoo showed up at 6th with 71. I clapped again for him. Ta-Ki came in 5th with 75. "That's a high score! That was the highest last time" Jungwon said.

I watched the next card flip over to show Sunghoon in 4th with 80. The top three were left. I had a feeling they were K, Jungwon and Heeseung since they did so well. Maybe Geonu as well.

In 3rd Heeseung's card flipped over with 83. "Heeseungie!" I cheered as I clapped for him. "Then who has the top 2?" Someone asked. "Jungwon got second. I call it" I said as Jungwon turned to me and tried to hide his smile. "Jungwon's second"

As soon as I turned to see the screen, my card flipped over. I got the 85. "Emily-ah!" Heeseung cheered as he started clapping. "E-Chan!" K said as I sat there surprised at my score. "Daebak" I mumbled, covering my mouth.

"We'll now reveal the first place I-Lander who can use the exemption pass" The voice said as I stared at the 1st place card. Let's go K, you can be first. Whenever the card flipped over to show K, me and Heeseung started doing a funny walk over to him. "K-kun! You did it!" I cheered in Japanese as I and Heeseung hugged K.

"The exemption card can be used on any of the four people who are chosen to be eliminated. You can also use it on yourself. However, in the case you use the elimination exemption card, the next elimination candidate will be eliminated. Voting for the eliminations will begin in 2 hours" The voice said while I sat back down.

"2 hours?" I asked and turned to Seon as the gate showed a 2 hour countdown.

Before the voting, I sat with K, Seon and Heeseung in the pantry. "It's four people, right?" Heeseung asked as I nodded. "But honestly, I learned a lot from Ta-Ki" K started. "Me too" Me and Heeseung said. "After we take a shower, he always says, "Hyung, let's go practice!", right away. That one sentence really left a big impression on me"

"Ta-Ki shouldn't get eliminated. I would bawl if he went back to Ground because of how hard he works" I said. Ta-Ki didn't deserve to enter Ground again. If he stayed and I went back, I'd be the happiest person in the world. "If I can survive, I really should try harder. I am surviving here quite long, but I feel like it's not because of my skill. I think the newcomers will pick based on the skills" Seon said as he took another drink of his coffee.

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