I-Land EP 7 (Part 4)

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After talking with Yoon Jung, Ni-Ki grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs so we could go see I-Land again. "Let's go!" Daniel exclaimed as we all ran upstairs.

"I-Land it's been too long!" Ni-Ki said. "Whoa!" I gasped as I saw presents and a glass board on an easel. "Wait a second" Jay gasped as everyone circled around the stuff.

"What is this?" Sunoo asked as he ran up to us. "Wow! Autographs!" Daniel exclaimed.

"BTS autographs!" I squealed and jumped up and down. "This is awesome," Sunghoon said. "This is really cool," Jungwon agreed.

"From Jungkook sunbae" Jake read. "Don't touch it" He yelled as I tried to reach for it. "Are they personalized autographs?" Heeseung asked.

"It's really personalized," Daniel said. "Whose are these?" Jake asked as he messed with the presents for a bit. "I think they're gifts for us," Jay said.

"Are they really gifts?" I asked and bent down towards one. "Yep," Geonu said.

Suddenly I heard the screen sound as I shot my head up. Jay pulled me up to my feet as we turned towards the screen.

"Hey guys, it's us again" Jin said as all the BTS members were sitting on the couches. I held Jay's hand as I spread out from the others and watched the screen. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Did you get the gifts?" Jin asked. "To congratulate you all on making it to part 2, we prepared them" He continued.

"We got gifts for all 13 of you so don't be greedy and grab one each" Suga said. "We also have another gift for all of you. We heard that I-Landers had many concerns, so we'd like to help solve some of them" RM said.

I squeezed Jay's hand tightly as I started freaking out. "Let's see what some of their concerns are" Jungkook said as he held up the Ipad.

"Wait" Jay said as he turned towards me. "What kind of worries do they have?" Suga asked.

"First one! Lee Heeseung" Jungkook started to read the Ipad. "He's trained longer. He's been training for over three years" J-Hope commented.

"Then he must be pretty good" Suga said. "Coming to I-Land and living in a dorm for the first time, even when I'm not the leader, I end up in situations where I need to help the leader. I've learned the importance of leadership in order to build a good team" V read.

"That's his concern?" RM chuckled a bit. "What makes for a good leader that benefits all?" V finished reading. "He'll make it big. He's so thoughtful" J-Hope commented.

"It sounds like he's really thoughtful. The fact that he's already thinking about this makes me feel that he has already taken leadership by heart. For instance, someone has to do it, but the person who can stand up once again has good leadership. I wasn't very good at it" RM explained.

"You're a true leader!" Suga said. "You're the best leader I've seen" V commented. "Thank you" RM said.

"There is no benefit to being a leader, but you have a lot of responsibility" Suga added. "That's honestly true" RM agreed. "It's very hard..." Jimin said. "So the members have to help out as well. The members need to help out a lot" RM continued.

"The sentence 'Good leadership that benefits all', it's good you want to help everyone, but when you try to help benefit everyone, you end up being miserable yourself" Suga explained. "I think it'd be good to shake that mindset off," Suga added.

"Onto the next person. Jay" J-Hope said. "His concern is when humiliating moments come up, how do you overcome them?" J-Hope started to chuckle.

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