I-Land EP 9 (Part 5)

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Today was our last practice day before the test. I had eaten nothing all day and even yesterday I only ate a bowl of rice. I had felt panicked and eating slipped my mind a lot. I thought I'd be fine for the rest of today because I still had a lot of energy left in me.

"Exercise time!" Jay clapped as we all got down and started our push-ups. After doing all that and our plank until the song ended, I was fine and didn't feel a bit tired.

"Let's run over the song real quick and record and then fix details" Jay said and set up the camera. "Okay let's go!" I clapped and got into position beside Ta-Ki.

Somewhere halfway through the song, I started to feel weak but I powered through and finished the song. "Emily, are you okay?" Jay asked as he reviewed the footage. "Yeah, fine" I panted and tried to catch my breath. "Well, halfway through your moves become weaker so make sure they are strong for the test tomorrow" Jay said as I nodded.

"Let's run it again!" Jay clapped and I got back into position. I felt Hanbin and Ni-Ki watching me closely as the music started.

After running over the song, my eyes got blurry and I felt my legs wobble. I rolled up my shirt to try and cool myself down, thinking I was just hot. "Ni-Ki... I don't feel good" I was able to mutter out as everything around me turned black and I could no longer hear anyone.

—Ni-Ki's POV—

"Ni-Ki... I don't feel good" I heard Emily mutter before hearing a thud from beside me. I immediately looked over and got on my knees as she laid on the ground completely out. "What happened to Noona?" Daniel asked and bent down beside us as we tried to shake her awake.

"Emily!" Jay shouted as he walked back in with Hanbin and ran over to us. "What happened?" He started asking and bent down in front of her. He held her in his arms and tried to wake her up. "I don't know! She just collapsed beside me" I said and continued to try and wake her up. "E-Chan!" I called.

"Does anyone know whether she's eaten today?" Jay asked and looked around at all of us. "I haven't seen her eat," I said. "I don't even remember if she did yesterday. She was in the practice room all day" Ta-Ki said.

"I'll take care of her. Continue practice with Ni-Ki leading" Jay said before picking her up and carrying her out of the room, bridal style.

"Ni-Ki, will she be okay?" Hanbin asked me. "I've seen stuff happen with her, but never seen her black out. I'm sure she'll be okay with Jay hyung caring for her" I said. "What about tomorrow, will she be okay to perform?" Ta-Ki asked.

"Yeah, she's a key point for us to get good feedback," Daniel said. "Hopefully Jay will get her back to full strength so she can perform with us" I said. "Let's quickly get to practice for Jay" Hanbin said as we watched the video we took earlier.

—Emily's POV—

I barely remember anything except practicing for the test. I slowly sat up and looked around to see I was in the yellow room. I turned around and saw I was laying on the rank 7 bed, Jay's bed. "My head" I groaned and held my head in my hands.

I looked over to the side table to see a small bowl with a towel in it, and my glasses gently folded. I reached over and grabbed my glasses and put them on as the door opened. "You're finally awake" Jay said and walked over to me holding a tray of food.

"What's this?" I asked as he set it on my lap. "Food because you need to eat" He said and handed me chopsticks. "But we're in the middle of practice, I can eat later" I mumbled, I heard him sigh and take the chopsticks back from me.

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