I-Land ep 3 (Part 3)

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We were finally giving actual group practice a go. We were trying to do Heeseung's part and we were trying to figure out how the I-Landers could push him up and back. While I was stretching out my back from Heeseung stepping on it, the door flung open. "Wow!" Geonu yelled as I looked towards the door.

Holy! It's Zico, and Song Sung-deuk! Even Pdogg! The producer and choreographer for Fire was right in front of us. "I'm producer Zico, and I'm here for I-Land's midpoint check"

"I am the performance director Song Sung-deuk" "I'm Pdogg, and I'm looking forward to it"

I stood beside EJ and Yoonwon as we all stood in a line facing the directors. "The new I-Landers" I raised my hand along with the others. "How are you guys doing? Are you guys adjusting well?" Zico asked us. "Yes, it's going well" Sunoo replied. I nodded in agreement.

"Sunoo? How is it?" He asked again looking towards Sunoo. "Ah yes, well... there was some friction at first". I looked at Sunoo surprised. Sunoo, wrong choice of words. "There was friction?" Zico asked surprised. Sunoo gasped as he looked at all of us. "Maybe not friction, but we were having a hard time getting used to each other, so that took us some time, but we got through it well"

"Would you say practicing teamwork is going well?" Zico asked as well. I wanted to shake my head, because no it really wasn't. "In order to not get the same result as last time, there are some things that everybody has to work on. Let's see it now" I nodded as we headed to our positions.

"Are you going up?" Geonu asked Heeseung. "No" Heeseung shook his head. "I think you need to go up. That's the main point of the test, if we don't do it. It'll seem bad" I said as Heeseung shook his head again. "It's too dangerous"

I headed to my position and got ready as I could feel the producers staring us down. This is too much pressure right now. We finished the first part off successfully, but I could feel the producers were disappointed.

"When I wake up in my room! 난 뭣도 없지" I sang in a husky voice, as we continued through the performance. I caught a glance of Zico giving an approving nod after my part.

After our performance, we all stood back in line out of breath. We worked hard, but after we didn't do either of Heeseung's lifts, I caught a glance of the producers and Song Sung-deuk was not happy. "Thank you" we all said together.

"That... Uh... I think it was the worst of the worst, seriously" Song Sung-Deuk said. He just said we were the worst of the worst, did we do that bad?

"I don't know what you guys just did. The lines aren't synced, the moves aren't synced. But I really want to know... the moves where you climb up and those teamwork choreographs, why did you do them?"

"It is important that we fit together as a whole, but in some ways, the individual scores get averaged and that becomes the team score. So we've been practicing with focus on our personal skills" Heeseung replied. We've taken the wrong approach to this test, I can feel it.

"Just..." He started before covering his face with his clipboard. He was so furious, he couldn't speak to us. "That big collaborative, teamwork is the theme of this stage and it's something we were expecting to see, but we didn't see any of that"

"Individual work is important, but that exists only because the group exists. And if each individual strives to be more perfect, then the group can be more perfect" Zico explained. Everyone just stayed silent and stared at the floor. I was the only one still looking at the producers.

"Thank you" We all said together as the producers left furious.

"Let's all cheer up" Seon said as I walked out to the lounge.

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