Special Chapter Part 3

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Due to the fact I am a procrastinator and don't feel like typing an actual chapter (even though last time I said I wouldn't type anymore of these) I've created another Special Chapter. Yay. What on earth could I write about this time? Well, Seonghwa and Seungkwan. It's just going to be a brief quick chapter because it also gives me more time to work on the next part. Enjoy.

It's only been a day since me and my parents moved to Korea. After Japan, we lived in Seattle for a month before returning to Korea. The house we have is big, fancy, somewhere I don't want to be. My house in Japan was a nice two-story house and wasn't fancy. I missed it. I missed Riki.

"Where do you want the boxes?" My dad asked as he carried them in. "Set them in the Kitchen over there" My mother mumbled and stared at her phone.

"I'm going to set up my room!" I shouted and carried my album box to my room. I set the box down on my bed and started unboxing all my BTS and SHINee albums. "What are you doing?" My mother asked and leaned on my door.

"Unboxing my stuff" I said and continued to unbox. "I thought I told you to throw all these away. Plus, this terrible jacket should just be given away. You have so much junk" She growled and picked up the jacket given to me by Riki and threw it to the side.

I quickly picked it up and laid it on my bed. "It's not junk. It's my stuff. Now, why are you here?" I asked. "Don't give me attitude Eun Ae, seriously. I'm here because you have a modeling gig in an hour. We need to leave now" She said.

"What about unpacking?" I asked. "Your dad said he has it covered" She shrugged and looked back at her phone. "But he has work to do. His company probably needs him" I said as she crossed her arms. "Your father took off for you to do this, so don't be a brat and get ready" She said and walked out of my room slamming the door.

"Stupid modeling. Stupid mother" I ranted and threw my albums back into a box. "This is all so stupid! I quit ballet and figure skating for what? To do stupid modeling!"

"Emily?" My father asked and peaked his head into the door. "What?" I asked. "I know you're upset at the changes happening in such a short time, but Korea should be our home forever" He reassured.

"You said that about Japan. Now look where I am. Seriously dad, I'm tired of moving." I sighed and sat down. "Take this" My father said and handed me a pink card.

"SM? Like the company with NCT?" I asked and scanned over the card. "A scout handed it to me and said they'd like you in the company. I think you should do it" He smiled.

"But, I can't be a Trainee. I look too western. My stupid blue eyes will just get me hate" I mumbled and tossed the card to the side. "So. I was a Trainee and I was fine. Your blue eyes are unique in Korea. I'm pretty sure if you debut, you'll be the first Idol with natural blue eyes" He said, trying to cheer me up.

"Just try it. Now get ready so your mom doesn't get mad" He said and walked out. I slid the card under my pillow and got dressed. My mom would be totally against this, but that's what makes it fun!

"Eun Ae, where were you?" She asked furiously as I walked in the doors. "SM. I auditioned and got in" I shrugged and slipped my shoes off and set them on the shelf. "SM? SM?!" She was getting mad.

"Yeah, they gave me a card and said they wanted me. It's not that hard to understand, mom" I said and started to walk into the kitchen for a drink.

"You can not become a Kpop Idol! That would ruin our family's reputation!" She fumed. "No it wouldn't. I'd be just as successful as you and dad! Come on, it doesn't hurt to try" I begged as she shook her head.

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