Chapter 68

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Dance. Something I have never ever done, not unless you count the childish dancing of a six year old in the living room to Robbie Williams + Shania Twain while Mum did housework. Already my dance class and I have a love hate relationship. The dance we were learning looked great when all the other girls did it, even the guys had a better idea of what they were doing than I did. When I finally get a grasp of some of the choreography it's great, but I learn a lot slower than the other students who have been dancing for the last few years of high school - at least. For our assessment this term we have to learn 3 different dance styles. I haven't even learnt the first one.

"One two three four five six seven eight , and one two three four - Kaela LEFT you need to move to your left!" I grimaced.
One two three , left, right, four five six seven, left right.
The music came to an abrupt stop. My eyes flew in the direction of the paused stereo and to where Mrs Stanley, my dance teacher, stood with her hands on her lips. I then felt everyones eyes on me and I felt my jaw tensing as I rolled my eyes frustrated with myself. "Alright." Her eyes scanned the room. "Tina."
Crap! "Tina can you please take Kaela into the next room and just go over the choreography with her please."

I looked over to Tina who now had tight lips and an unhappy look upon her face. She strode towards me and took a tight grip upon my arm, her nails digging in painfully. Pulling me with her she dragged me out of the classroom and hauled me outside.
"You are so embarrassing!" She hissed gripping the door handle to the next room and slamming it open.
"Sorry." I snapped bitterly rubbing my arm and following her inside.
Scowling at her I walked towards the middle of the empty dance room my bare feet padding softly across it's polished wooden floor. Standing facing the mirrors I waited stubbornly for instruction.
"Why did you take dance?" Tina said standing beside me and talking to my reflection. Her hair, like mine was tied up in a tight pony tail onto of her head. She wore a pink singlet and tight black leggings which hugged her curves. At school she was forced to wear less makeup due to the restrictions, instead of a face with no visible pores accented with crazy coloured eyes and thick clumped lashes, she looked normal. Tina looked so much more beautiful without all the heavy makeup - not that I would ever rejoice in telling her.
I shrugged, "I guess part of me always wanted to learn.
"Well your not very good at it." She sniffed.
"Hey! I could be good, you guys just move so fast I can't pick it up!"
"Whatever. We start on the left foot, and on the count of two you bring your foot up and your right arm swoops across the top of your head, then three, four five...six seven eight, one two."
Tina seemed to have forgotten herself as she watched her dancing figure in the mirror her body moving into the choreography.
"Woah, hey? Hello? You lost me after two!"

Tina sent me a dangerous look. "Okay. One...two..."
I tried to copy her moves my eyes locked on her reflection as she swept her arm gracefully over her head. "Then you want to sweep your foot back...point your toes Kaela you look like a gump!"
I tried again counting carefully in my head. "Better. But you need to stretch it out further...better."

Time seemed to slow as the dance class stretched on and on, Tina snapping at me overtime I did something wrong. My jaw was aching from how tense it was and the times I'd bit my tongue to stop from screaming at her in my frustration. God she was infuriating, but as much as I hate to admit it, Tina is a good teacher. "Good lord Kaela do I have to remind you every single fricking time!! THROW your head back, your hair needs to whip your back or you're not doing it properly."
Finally I had two minutes of the dance down. "Right from the start." Demanded Tina. "I'm going to watch, so make sure you do it right for fuck sake." She growled. Glaring at her I stepped into starting position.  "Okay when you're ready...good and one two three four five six - " I threw my body into each movement counting in my head and watching my moves carefully in the mirror. Seven eight , spin, one two, duck, three four. 

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