Unexpected offer

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Today was Tory first day at her new job . She felt much more comfortable in the job it really helped that her new boss Diane was really nice and adjusted Tory's work hours to make sure she could look after her brother and do karate. When Tory was cleaning a table her manager began to talk to her about the boy who applied for her and she referred to him as her boyfriend but Tory corrected her and told her that Robby was just a friend , Diane apologised and told her she just assumed they were dating because of the way he talked about her , Tory curiously asked what he said , Diane tells her that Robby said she is a hard worker and she was really kind and thoughtful and all she needed was someone to give her a chance , Tory was amazed that someone actually said those things about her it made her think that maybe she should prove Robby right and do something for him.

Robby had spent his afternoon training with sensei silver , Robby enjoyed working with silver because he didn't dismiss everything about Miyagi do and told Robby that he had to use what he learned at miyagi do and mix it with the lesson he was about to learn at cobra Kai , he also told him that he had to drop anything affiliation he had to Daniel Larusso or his dad.

Today terry silver got his first chance to teach all of the students. And after their defeat to miyagi do and eagle fang he didn't hold back with the punishments. After training kreese told his students that their recent defeat by the enemy better be the last because if he feels that they aren't pulling their weight then they will be off the team. Kyler try's to reassure his sensei's that they will get revenge but Silver tells him that if they are going to get revenge then they Better be smart about it. After training Kyler asks Robby what he thinks they should do , robby tells that because him and Tory are on probation they need to be careful , Tory curiously asked what he had planned , robby tells her they will send a message by attacking one specific person.

An hour later Kyler receives a text message from Edwin who was sent along with big red by Robby to spy on their enemy so that they know where hawk would be , the message told them hawk was alone and he was going to the tattoo shop , Robby alerts Tory ,Kyler , Doug and mikey that it's time to put their plan into motion.

hawk waited for the tattoo artist to arrive but he was surprised when he heard the voice of Robby Keene who was followed by 6 other cobras , Doug and mikey lunged forward and attacked hawk but he was able to fight them of but when his back was turned kyler took a towel and wrapped it around his neck and pulled him back down onto the table the others began to hold down his arms and legs so he couldn't move , robby grabbed a razor and closed in on hawk , Robby could see from the look in hawk's eyes he knew what was coming next . Robby took the razor and began to shave off the Mohawk until there was no hair left , but they weren't done yet they continued the beat down and eventually Kyler broke hawk's nose leaving him covered in blood and no Mohawk.

Robby, Tory and Kyler returned to the dojo to inform sensei kreese of what they had done. Kreese was proud of them for listening to advice and proving themselves to be cobra Kai material. Kreese left the dojo leaving his students to celebrate what they had just done but it wasn't long before Kyler left leaving Robby and Tory alone . Once Tory knew no one else was around she finally asked Robby why he had helped her get a knew job , robby told her that he really appreciated how welcoming she had been when he got out of juvie , Tory lowered her and confessed to Robby that she always felt guilty for him going to juvie , Tory felt his hand touch hers , when she raised her head she saw his green eyes staring at her , tory felt like he was looking into her soul and it made her feel great , robby reassures her that it wasn't her fault he went to juvie it was his because he made a mistake. Robby and Tory spent the next hour using the gym equipment in the dojo . After the workout Tory asked Robby how much longer he would have to stay at the dojo , he told he that he had to wait until his mom got out of rehab and that could be months away , Tory never knew his mom was in rehab this made her feel like they had even more in common , Tory decided to ask Robby if he wanted to stay at her house and that if he wanted to he could sleep on the sofa . Robby was so shocked with her offer that he didn't even have a chance to accept before Tory threw his bag at him and told him to pack up .

When they arrived back the Tory's apartment she was relieved that Robby never commented about the mess , Tory showed him where everything was but told him stay out of one particular room that room was her mothers room , Robby didn't want to bring up her mom's situation because he knew it would upset her.

Tory handed Robby a blanket and a pillow before heading to her bedroom for the night. As Robby lay on the couch he began to realise just how different Tory was when it was just them it was like she could drop the act and be herself and Robby realised just how much he liked the real Tory.

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