Opening up

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The next day Robby wakes up and see a young boy standing over him . He assumes that this must be Tory's brother Brandon but before he can ask tory tells him to stop watching him , Robby overhears the young boy asking who he is but Tory tells him that Robby's just a friend from karate.

Robby decided to leave as soon as he got dressed because he didn't want to be in the way and he knew that Tory already has a lot to deal with . Robby had decided he was going to visit him mom at rehab today because he still hadn't been to see her since he got out of juvie.

While Tory was making sure her mom was ok before she took Brandon to school he decided to cause a little bit of trouble and tell their mom that Tory let a boy stay over , after throwing her little brother out of the room Tory assures her mom that Robby slept on the couch and she also asks if he can stay for a bit longer while his mom is in rehab , to Tory's delight her mom agrees that Robby can stay for as long as he needs.

When Robby arrived at the rehab Center he began to have flash backs to the day he was arrested . He often wondered if his mom knew what Daniel was planning , he never gave her the chance to explain because every time she tired to call him at juvie he ignored her . When Shannon looks up from her book and sees her only child she can't help but show her excitement by hugging him tightly and giving him a kiss on the cheek . The first thing that Robby had to ask his mom was if she knew what Daniel had planned when he was arrested , Shannon would tell Robby that she did I know and she only went along with it because she knew that it would mean Robby would get a lighter sentence. Robby and his mom continued to chat for over an hour and Robby began to see his mom was almost like her old self before she started heavily drinking it began to give him hope that maybe they would soon be able to go back to normal and he could live with her again but those thoughts quickly squashed when his mom told him that she would still be in rehab for another two months at least . Shannon was curious to know where her son was staying and was horrified to hear he had been sleeping on the floor of a karate dojo so she suggested that Robby should go to see his dad but Robby told her that he would rather sleep on the streets than ask his dad for help.

Tory had finished her shift and taken care for her brother before she arrived at the dojo for practice , the first thing Tory sees is Robby training with sensei Silver , Tory noticed that Robby had a really intense almost angry look on his face Tory had never seen Robby look so intense and it made her curios about what made Robby this way.

During training Tory continued to notice a change in Robby mainly his fighting style he was more aggressive and he wasn't talking to anyone so after training and when everyone was gone Tory decided to ask him what was wrong but Robby didn't answer her so Tory decided to mention that her mom said it was ok for Robby to stay with them for as long as he needs . After trying and failing to get through to him tory uses one of the Miyagi do techniques to stop Robby from hitting the punching bag , Robby is really impressed and he finally pays attention to Tory , once again she asks him whats wrong this time Robby tells her that he went to see his mom but he doesn't want to talk about it . For the next 30 minutes Tory just watches Robby repeatedly hit the punching bag and if she's being honest she actually enjoys looking at his muscles.

Tory finally has enough and drags Robby out of the dojo , she holds onto his hand , robby grabs his hand away and asks why she cares about how he feels tory tells him that she knows how it feels to be abandoned by a parent and how it feels to have no one support you she also tells him that she always wanted someone who she could relate to who could understand her pain and whether he likes it or not they can relate , after realising how much she just opened up Tory begins to feel a little embarrassed and she starts to walk away.

A few hours later Tory hears a knock at her door she desperately hopes it isn't her landlord but when she opens the door she is relieved to see Robby , he raised his arm and holds out her backpack which she left at the dojo , Tory takes the bag and thanks him before gesturing for him to come in . When inside Robby apologises for being so moody earlier but Tory reassures him that he has nothing to apologise for . Robby finally decides to open up and he tells Tory about his visit to the rehab facility he tells her that things were going well then they began to argue about his dad and Mr Larusso but the worst part was when Robby decided to try and hurt his mom by berating her about everything she's done . Tory sees that Robby is getting emotional and she wants to comfort him but before she can Robby begins to pace around the room he tells her that he just wishes he could have a normal life . Tory decides to step in and say that maybe he should give his mom a second chance because she may not be perfect but at lest she stayed when his dad left .

After their conversation Tory decides to go to bed but before she does Robby tells her that if she ever needs to talk about anything then he'll be there for her . Once Tory is in bed they are both left thinking about each other's words.

Keenry  (we belong together)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora