Chapter 32: Reclamation of Wall Maria

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{Long Chapter Ahead - 4,645 words}

"I'll be waiting for you, sweetheart."" Luciano said as he pulled Luciana into a tight hug. Lord Ulrich has come to Trost district to see his daughter before Luciana and the survey corps goes to her mission to retake wall Maria. Luciano caressed Cian's hair.

"Please come back home alive." Lord Luciano Ulrich said his tone evident with anxiety, anxiousness and fear.

Luciana let out a deep sigh. She nod and hugged her back. "I will. Please don't worry too much about me while I'm away. Take care of yourself, too."

Lord Ulrich let go of Luciana. He smiled and cupped her cheeks then pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Major, it's time for us to go."

Luciana looked at Moblit. She just nod her head then turned to her father.

"I'm going now, father." Luciana said.

Lord Ulrich nod then let go of Luciana. The old man doesn't want his daughter to go, but it'd be selfish of him to stop his daughter from doing her duty as a full-pledged scout.

"I'll wait for you, Luciana." Lord Ulrich said. Luciana smiled genuinely at him and nod. Then she urned her back on him then left the room.

Kuchel, my love...please watch over our daughter. Luciano thought.

Commander Erwin, captain Levi, major Luciana, section commander Hange, vice-captain Moblit and the other ranking officers of the scouts saluted to commander-in-chief Zackly, commander Pyxis, commander Nile and other officials in the military, garrisons and military police brigade.

Luciana looked outside through the window. Then sun is almost setting which means that they have to go.

After bidding their farewell to their comrades from the other branch, the survey corps superiors left and went outside. The other survey corps soldiers are already on top of the wall incpuding the special operations squad and Hange Zoë's squad.

Luciana, Hange and Levi rode the lift with their horses. They're not even up yet when they looked down and saw that the crowd of people are present.


"Hm?" Hange hummed as she looked down and  saw a familiar stout man.

"Flegel...?!" Hange said with disbelief.

"Take back wall Maria!! The future of mankind is in your haaands!" Flegel said with his most loud voice.

"Captain Levi!!"

Levi looked at the man who called him. Beside the man is the woman he saw in Trost holding a baby, the other merchants are also with them.

"Thank you for saving this town!! Please, all of you come back safely! But get us our land back, too!!"

Luciana chuckled. She looked at Levi and saw him smiling a bit. "Well, well well...would you look at that? Pooks like you got supporters." Luciana said.

Levi looked at Luciana then rolled his eyes. "Why? You jealous or what?"

Luciana smirked. She crossed her arms over her shoulder. "I don't need supporters. I am not--"

"Miss Lucianaaaaa!!"

Luciana's mouth hanged opened when she heard girls screaming her name. Levi smirked and looked down. Luciana looked down, too. Her eyes widened a bit upon seeing all the women and young girls she saved from the underground. "Oh...what are they doing here?" Luciana muttered.

Luciana also saw Giselle, Wayne, and her father carrying the baby girl she saved from the underground. They're all waving at her and smiling. The women and young girls are holding small purple flags and waving it which represents their feminism.

Luciana Ackerman (Jean Kirstein X FEM! OC)Where stories live. Discover now