Chapter 7: Friends

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{Long Chapter Ahead - 6,512 words}

The 104th's last day in Trost is their day-off. A one-day break from their tiring training, before they go back to the training corps and train again.

The 104th didn't wear their uniforms, just their casual clothes for their rest day. Jean wore his casual attire which consists of white button-up shirt, dark pants and a dark-brown vest.

"So where are you and the captain going today, Jean?" Marco asked Jean who's busy fixing his hair in front of the mirror that's hanging on the wall.

Jean grinned. "We're gonna go to my house first then stroll around the town." Jean said. He made a cool pose in front of the mirror while admiring his looks. "Ah. I'm so handsome." Jean said while he's carresing his chin.

Marco let out a small chuckle.

"You and the captain have gotten really close. You two have special something to each other, right?"

Marco asked. A teasing smile is plastered on his lips. Marco's sitting on his bed and folding his clothes that he washed yesterday. He's already packing for thei departure tomorrow.

Jean looked at Marco. He's not frowning nor smiling. He looks confused. "What do you mean by special? Like if we have a thing or what?" Jean asked.

Marco nod. "Yeah. I mean, the way you two look at each other, there's something. I can't really explain what. But it's the look of two people in love." Marco said. His teasing smile turned into a genuine one.

Jean's cheeks went red. He immediately turned his back on Marco and faced the mirror. But because he's stupid, even if he turned his back on Marco to hide his blushing face, Marco still saw it through the mirror.

Marco let out a small chuckle.

"You know, it's okay to admit that you like someone. It's not like you're gonna die or what. If you like the captain, you should tell her. Tell her before it's all too late." Marco said.

Jean looked at Marco through the mirror. I don't even know if I like Luciana. How can I confess when I don't know what I really feel?

Jean thought.

"How do you know if you like that person?" Jean asked Marco.

Marco stopped folding his clothes. He looked at Jean. Marco smiled. "I don't know. Every person has their own ways of knowing if they like someone. But I think I can help you with your question." Marco said.

Jean walked towards his bed that's just beside Marco's bed. He sat down on his bed, facing Marco. "Okay, then?" Jean said. His full attention is on Marco. His arms are crossed over his chest and he's serious right now.

"Tell me, Jean. How'd you feel of losing captain Luciana?" Marco asked.

Jean gasped at his questions.

"I mean, she's a survey corps soldier. A soldier who dedicated her heart for humanity. A soldier who goes outside the walls to fight titans. I'll be blunt. I'm sure captain Luciana doesn't know how long she'll live, considering her way of living as a soldier who fights the titans. In every expedition she goes, there's a possibility she'll die. So, Jean. How'd you feel if you lose her?" Marco asked.

Jean looked down. He furrowed his brows. He felt his heart shattered into pieces and his eyes became glossy upon imagining a lot of different scenarios of how Luciana might die.

"You don't need to answer. It's all over your face right now. You don't like her." Marco said.

Jean looked at Marco.

Luciana Ackerman (Jean Kirstein X FEM! OC)Where stories live. Discover now