Chapter 28: Always and Forever

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{Long Chapter Ahead - 6,300 words}

(Jean's POV)

5 days. She's been missing for five days. We can't get any leads of where Luciana is. I feel like I'm going to lose my mind. Her sudden disappearance has caused an inevitable chaos among the military and nobles. The survey corps and the MPS are finally helping each other just to look for Luciana.

Even the Garrison has started to help. Lord Luciano Ulrich has used his power just to get the three regiment to look for Luciana. I never thought Luciana's old man could be merciless.

He really made the Meyer clan suffer because of his anger. The previous head of the clan was put under house arrest. The other men of the clan was arrested and stripped of from their noble titles. The women of that clan, too. Lord Ulrich spared the children, but he let them be an orphan.

The Meyer clan members are all up to be persecuted and ther number one on the list is Harold Meyer who's also been missing for five days. That bastard. I know...No..we all know that he's the master behind all this.

He took Luciana.

I knew that something's bad going to happen at the moment I saw that guy. The way he stared at Luciana. It was like he set his eyes out on his prey.

But Luciana's no prey. She's also a predator that will kill another damn predator in order to get her prey. Or it's more suitable to say that she's a predator who kills another predator to protect the weak preys around.

For the past five days, all we've been doing is searching aroun town hoping to find Luciana. We went to every private properties the Meyer clan has, but there's no trace of Luciana nor that son of a bitch, Harold Meyer.

Today, we're here in the chancellery in the royal capital. General Darius Zackly and the Queen has called for a meeting regarding Luciana's sudden. disappearance. A lot of military officials are present in the place.

My eyes darted on captain Levi. Ever since we heard about Luciana's disappearance, the captain have been very quiet. He looks calm, but when you really look at him, you'll see the rage and frustration on his eyes.

I don't know how many times I've heard him breaking things inside his office and muttering curses every after our failed search for Luciana.

And he's scarier than he already is. He looks like he's gonna murder anyone who dares to get in his way. I wonder how many times have commander Erwin calmed him down and stopped him from lashing out these past 5 days. And speaking of commander Erwin, he really set aside his work just to focus on looking for Luciana.

Hange's gloomy and not happy at all. For the past 5 days that Cian went missing, I didn't see her smile or heard her laugh. She's very much affected in Cian's abduction.

Our squad...the Levi squad. No one has dared to speak after Cian's gone missing. All of us are dumbfounded. Eren almost lose his mind and threatened the Meyer clan that he'll transform and eat them all.

Mikasa has her focus on looking for Harold. Sasha and Connie don't look happy at all, they're very close with Luciana. While Armin is busy brainstorming with out superiors.

And me...honestly, I don't know what I'm doing. I just follow orders because I have no fucking idea what to do. I can't move on my own because that will only cause a chaos in our group. And I'm not strong, either...I doubt I will be able to save Luciana by myself.


I turned back after hearing my name. My eyes widened a bit when I saw Lord Ulrich. He looks tired.....No. He's depressed. He's been depressed ever since his daughter went missing.

Luciana Ackerman (Jean Kirstein X FEM! OC)Where stories live. Discover now