Chapter 60: Always be my son

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Athena's POV

This pregnancy has definitely been easier than the first one. "Ma sit down I can cook the rest of the food" Santo tells me while walking in with Aurora. "Santo I'm pregnant, not disabled I can cook just fine. You can get Luciano ready for me. The idiots will be here in an hour." I shoo him off going back to cooking.

Taking out the lasagna from the oven I place it on the table leaving it to cool down. Finally I think I can sleep for at least 20 minutes. Stairs are still my enemy well at least while being pregnant they are. My stomach is a lot bigger this time than with Luciano. The day guards greet me as I walk down the long hallway into my room. Finally the comfort of my bed.

I throw a pillow at my face covering my eyes. The door opens and footsteps echo through the room until they stop completely. Just 20 minutes that's all I'm asking. "Bambina I know you're not sleeping" Lucky takes the pillow from my face. My eyes travel up and down his body looking at each detail on his fitted Armani suit. "Amore I'm fucking tired I just want to sleep" I turn over facing the window. The bed dips and he starts to rub my back, a calming feeling coming to my body.

"I'm going to finish some paperwork in my office. I'll wake you up when I'm done. Your brothers can't wait a few minutes" He kisses my cheek shutting the curtains before walking out of the room. Finally some time to sleep.

Cleaning or cooking isn't that bad but the pain in my body is what's making me tired. I still stay by what I said this pregnancy is easier than Lucainos. Only three more months and my baby is with me.

Lucky's POV

I let Athena stay sleeping after I finished my extra paperwork. "Where's my favorite pregnant person ?" Mia burst through the front door and her belly got bigger. Gabriele rushes past her running to my legs hugging them. "Uncle Lucky" he smiles at me looking up with his big grey eyes. The dogs jump on him trying to play with him bringing a big smile to his face

"Hey Gabriele" I picked him up and rested him on my hip. He lays his head on my shoulder wrapping his arms around my neck. "Athena's sleeping I'll go wake her up right now" I start walking up the stairs with Gabriele still on me. The night Guards move out of my way as I walk down the hall opening the door lightly.

The moonlight hits her skin making her tan skin shine. I sit on the side of the bed setting Gabriele on his he moves to the other side of her. "Bambina it's been over an hour your brothers are here" I rub her back she squints her eyes open.

"Aunt ena" Gabriele throws his arms around her neck. She sits up hugging him back tightly "Hey Gabriele" She kisses his cheek making him smile. My heart fills up with nothing but love seeing how much she loves kids.

He puts his head on her stomach trying to hold it. "Hey Amore" she looks over at me. I kiss her forehead helping her out of the bed. Gabriele stays attached to her side as we go downstairs Into the dining room.

Everyone sits at the dinner table making small conversation with each other. I drank the rest of the liquor that laid in my cup not too long ago. Athena's smile lights up the room as she laughs at something Leo and Adriano told her. "You guys are weird" Alessandro gives them a playful look of disappointment. I send the dogs to their bed and they walk away with their heads hung low. That's all Leo's fault he has a bad habit of feeding and feeding them but he's not there to pick up their shit.

"Shut up Sandro you are the person who should be talking the least here" Adriano flips him off laughter erupting from the table. I hold Athena's hand rubbing her thumb and she squeezes my hand resting her head on my shoulder. "Another boy Athena, I was so sure this one was going to be a girl" Mia drinks her cranberry juice in a wine cup to make her feel happy. I don't know why but Adriano put cranberry juice I don't think he noticed.

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