Chapter 11: Medicine

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Athena's pov

This stupid dress will be the death of me. "I don't even want to go to this stupid shit?" I look at Mia as she fixes the bottom of the slit. "Babes you're being sworn in to the biggest mafia ever. It was underground for a long time but I can guarantee you once you take the power it will be the most powerful Lucky and Sandro wont have shit on you" She stands up now fixing my hair that is now straight instead of curly.

"My job is done, me and Adriano are going ahead. Leo is already there for god's sake help Lucky get ready" I see her walk out into a suv where Adriano is already waiting for her as I make my way into Lucky's room. I knock and hear the faint come in.

I walk in to see him wearing dress pants as he is trying to find a shirt. An amazing sight to see I slowly walk behind him wrapping my arms around his back feeling his muscles soften. "Amore Mio" (my love) He turns around with a smile on his face, eyeing me up and down. "I love when you call me that." He responds as I lay my head in his chest running my fingers up and down the ink on his arm.

Under appreciated art is what tattoos are, sadly it's not just ink skin is like a blank canvas you can do anything with. "Bambina you look beautiful as always" He says, kissing my forehead while grabbing a black dress shirt. He put it on, staring at me as I buttoned it up, leaving a kiss on his neck when I finished the last one. I go into his draw grabbing a blakc tie to go with his whole black theme tying it around his neck. "There you go now you're all done" I step back examining his muscular body. "Like what you see?" He gives me a cocky smirk as he runs water through his hair.

"You wish now hurry up we have to leave were late" I sat on the edge of his bed watching him comb his hair. The platinum is growing out rapidly leaving the dirty blonde root showing. "Alright im done now let's go bambina" He puts his hand out and I immediately accept it as we walk side by side downstairs.

The driver waits for us in the front waiting for us to get in to escort us there. Sitting in the car I feel my nerves acting up making me more anxious. What if I ruin this entire empire that nonno has built? What if Alessandro and Lucky have a downfall because of my mistakes?

I play with my hands trying to calm my nerves but it's not useful. "Bambina it's going to be alright you're going to be amazing" Lucky puts his hand on my knee that I didn't even notice I was bouncing up and down. Damn am I that readable. "I just don't want to let anyone down. I know I worked hard for this but I don't want them to look back and say it was a mistake they should have given to Alessandro." I finally admit. It's always been a fear.

I don't want to look weak but everyone has fears, not one person in this world has any fear. Even the biggest daredevil fear. One of mine is disappointment. That's why I always have to make sure everything I do is to the best because I wouldn't want anyone to tell me 'I thought better of you' or 'I regret giving you this'. I would break right there. "Bambina look at me from the bottom of my fucked up heart. I'm telling you this. Your going to go down in history as one of the best fucking leaders any mafia has ever seen. Hell you'll top my numbers in a heartbeat. You have this hunger and fire that makes you a great leader and you're not greedy and want it all to you, you help out everyone you can no matter what's the cost. Trust me when I say you'll be more than great" Lucky says and I swear I felt my heart skip a beat.

A smile appears on my face as I lay my head on his shoulder, him grabbing my hands placing a small kiss on them. "Miss De Luca, Mr. Morelli were here" The driver anocuse as the car comes to a stop. Lucky opens the door with my hand still in his helping me get out of the car. Thank the lord for that because with these heels I would have fallen flat on my face.

Walking up the staircase one of the guards opens the door notifying others that we have arrived. I looked over at Lucky one more time as he gave me a small kiss saying "I promise it'll be fine, i'll be right there watching you" it made me feel better but still the knots in my stomach were tightening.

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