Chapter 27: Bad News

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A/N- This chapter was released the same time chapter 26 was! 

⚠️TW ⚠️  this chapter may be triggering for some people I will put another trigger warning when the time comes. 

Mentions of Angel Babies 


Athena's POV

I woke up in the hospital with no one in the room. I need to find the drugs I promised I wouldn't but I need them.

I don't know how I lived without them. I see a needle grab it ready to inject myself when a pair of arms slap it out my hands holding my wrist. "No stop I need it" I start yelling and kicking around the room.

"No Athena stop you don't need it" enzos voice says as I get put on the bed. I feel restraints on my hands and feet and I try to break it.

I start screaming trying to break the cuffs as tears fall down my face. Soon Enzo and Lucky walk in. "Amore just tell him to give it to me" I cry as he wipes my tears

"Bambina you need to calm down" he tells me as I feel a prick on my arm. Not the drugs to make me feel good but something else. "Go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up" Is the last thing I hear before darkness reaches me.

Lucky's pov

My heart breaks into a million pieces as Enzo gives her a sedative to sleep. "Doc the blood work came in you're going to want to see this' ' A nurse rushes in handing him a clipboard full of paper.

"What the fuck?" He rushes out of the room discussing something with the nurse. I pull a chair next to her bed as she rests with restraints on her.

"Dad she's going to be fine right?" Santo says walking in with wide eyes at the sight of her. "Yeah Santos she's strong she'll get through it." The tears threaten to fall from his eyes as he takes a deep breath.

"It was supposed to be me. She told me to hide in the back seat and call you. If I didn't listen to her I would have been in a hospital bed or six feet under but she wouldn't be in this position" He cries running his hands through his hair. "Santos she would have ended up like this anyway. Reberto was going to hurt her no matter who was in the way. If you were there you would have been dead. Once you're dead you can't come back but you can always come back from a setback." I tell him as he wipes the tears falling.

"When was the last time she drank?" Enzo says bursting through the door. "I don't know it's been a few months, maybe in December she kept saying anytime she drank her stomach hurt extra" I never questioned it why would I?

"Fuck" he runs his hands through his hair tugging at it. "Enzo what the hell is going on"

"When she wakes up and she's calm

I'll tell you but right now whenever she wakes up she has to be the most relaxed she's been since we got her" he walks out of the room mumbling under his breath.

A few hours pass and many people come in and out of the room making sure she's okay before she wakes up. "Amore?" She questions before I grab her hand as she looks at me. "Hey baby how are you feeling?" I ask her as she sits up.

"Like shit I want the drugs so bad I'm craving it. I felt so at peace with them but it's wrong. I don't want to feel like that Amore I don't want to need drugs" she cries, her eyes becoming puffy.

"We're going to deal with this all together. No matter how long it takes, alright." I tell her as Santos sits at her feet. "Yeah ma we love you no matter what your going to be fine I promise" Santos tells her as she pulls us in for a hug.

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