Chapter 20: Bahamas

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Athena's pov

The sun shines bright in my face, waking me up. It's already 8:30 with a full day of plans and not enough time. "Babe stop moving" Lucky groans burying his face deeper in the pillow. "Amore we have to get up now" I comb my hands through his grown out hair.

The platinum blonde was everything but his natural blonde is a jaw dropping sight. "mhm keep doing that" He smiles as I continue to comb my hands in his hair. "Alright Amore i'm going to get ready" I get out of bed hearing him groan.

I get into the shower letting the water wake me up. Everyone is meeting downstairs for breakfast then I have no idea what the hell we're doing after that. I'm just going with the flow at this point.

I wrap the towel around my body moisturizing my hair letting it air dry into its natural curls. Looking through my bag I take out a swimsuit struggling to tie the top.

Where's Mia when you need her? "Babe do you need help?" Luckys stands up from the bed standing directly behind me. "Please and not too tight" I let go of the strings as he tied them for me.

"I'm going to wake up Santo. Is there anything you need me to do?" I put on a pair of shorts over the swim bottoms. "yes I didn't get a kiss yet" He smiles at me innocently.

I give him a quick kiss while walking out of the room. "Santo it's time to get up" He just stays there drooling on his pillow. "Santo come on" I shake him lightly.

"Do I have to?" He groans, moving around the bed. "Yes Santo come on we have a full day of shit planned. I don't know what the hell it is but let's get up now" I tell him as he gets up walking to his attached bathroom.

Now that they're both finally up and getting ready I have 10 minutes to relax. I look over the balcony seeing many people finding spots at the beach some with family some with their partners.

The ocean as clear as ever the sun shining I don't know what a better place to be at is just a beautiful sight. "I'm ready now where's the food" Santos comes out looking around for food.

"Santo it's just like the next few days food is downstairs we didn't get room service" I explain to him again hearing him groan. "Tell Lucky to hurry up" He starts banging on the door yelling to Lucky how he's going to die if he doesn't get food.

"Im done shit let's go" he comes out looking at his phone. We start walking to the elevator. We started walking to the elevator. The elevator music plays as we wait for the doors to open.

"Our favorite happy family yay now can we go eat" Enzo says waiting with Bianca in front of the elevator. "I could have eaten many things upstairs. You better be happy I got out of bed" Lucky rolls his eyes walking into the big dining hall.

I stop my brothers already sitting waiting for us. I mean it's kind of hard not to see them. I sit next to Mia while Santo sits next to me and Lucky sits across from us.

"All he was going to order was room service, what else was he going to eat" Leo picks an argument with Lucky letting everyone hear it. "No I could have eaten other things" Lucky argues back eating his waffles.

"Mhm like what" the waiter hands some water as I thank them. "Athena" I choke on my water at Lucky's words feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

He did not just say he could have just eaten me for breakfast. "Dude, come on, that's my sister" Sandro gives him a disgusted realization hits him as his eyes go wide. "Yeah tmi man" Angelo shakes his head eating the rest of his food.

"Well this is an eventful morning" Santo breaks the silence, swallowing the rest of his food. It hasn't even been 20 minutes and he's done god. "After this we have reservations at a water park." Adriano takes out papers from his pocket.

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