Chapter 36: Fire

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Athena's pov

Finally mom and dad are coming back from the US today. Lucky's parents are coming back as well. They should be in the air already.

They left after New Years and haven't been back since then. I'm already six months pregnant. March came super quick. I've been in and out of the warehouse mainly doing work from my office. "Ma have you seen my laptop?" Santo yells from the living room.

"Have you checked your book bag?" He walks into the kitchen grabbing his bag. "Found if Thank you. What's for dinner?" He sits on the island stool starting to do his homework.

At least he's in junior year I think senior year is the hardest. "Rigatoni and Cannolis" My stomach is getting huge making it take longer for me to cook.

"Do you need help?" He asks to shut his laptop, moving it out his way. "Please" I focus on the Rigatoni while he does the Cannolis.

He's finished them up just as I finished the rest of the food. I start to wash the dishes when a pair of arms wrap around my waist. Lucky's tattooed hands rub my stomach resting his head in the crook of my neck.

"Hey Amore" I put the last plate on the rack to dry, wiping down the sink. "Hey Bambina, how was your day?" I turn around facing him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"It was fine paperwork while Adriano dealt with newbies" He places a kiss on my forehead and stomach. "And how was my son?" Just like that he kicks my stomach making Lucky smile. The dogs circle around my feet.

"There's my little man" he rubs it making me smile. I genuinely think the day we found out we were having a boy Lucky could have run across the world and still have energy. "Yeah yeah whatever" I roll my eyes and he lets out a beautiful laugh. Trigger, Grey, and Blue all try to lay on Lucky's feet whimpering. Adriano brought me three baby Huskies saying that our baby should have a pet growing up and Santo should have someone to take care of either than Rory. I loved the ideas of the dogs now Lucky was a different story but he warmed up to them.

Mom and Dad should be landing any minute now. "Yes bambina we can go to the airport to pick them up now" He must have read my mind. I happily put on a pair of sandals sitting in the car.

Santo stays behind as we make our way to the airport. We meet Adriano and Mia halfway, seeing the plane already on the runway.

Right as we pull into the runway I get a gut feeling something's not right. I hold Lucky's hand and he rolls the windows down smiling at our parents. "Ah your stomach got so big" mom smiles looking at me with teary eyes.

"Yeah it did, how was your trip" me and mom stay talking with Lucky and his mom while Adriano is with dad and Lucky's.

"It's getting dark, we should get back to the house" Lucky says and everyone agrees.

"See you at the house I love you guys" I yell out to them they return it opening the car doors. The bad gut feeling returns and just like that we hear a loud boom come from the runway.

Everything feels like it happened in slow motion. All 4 of us ran out of the car seeing flames build up from the car our parents were in. Tears streaming down my face I stay frozen with wide eyes breathing heavily.

No no no this can't be happening right Now. The guards at the gate hold us back from moving anymore when the sound of sirens come into play.

Please wake me up from this bad dream. At least 3 fire trucks come with 6 ambulances running out to stop the fire. The smell of the flames messes with my head making it pound.

"Lucky I don't feel too good" I grab onto his shoulder leaving all my weight on him. "Baby baby look at keep your eyes open. Fuck" he holds me up sitting me in the car.

He speeds off in the direction of the hospital holding my hand. "Athena don't fucking close your eyes" he squeezes my hand as I try to keep my eyes open.

The car screeches. I'm guessing he comes to a stop. He holds my body up yelling inaudible words.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head and my body began to shake uncontrollably when I met the darkness.

Lucky's pov

I stay frozen watching Athena's body shake uncontrollably. "She's having a seizure, make sure my room is cleared" He tells a nurse before wheeling her away.

All I can do is sit in the stupid hospital chair waiting. I don't know if my parents are alive, if my In laws survived. I don't know anything anymore.

Leo rushes in with Santo, Sandro, Agosoto, and Angelo by his side. A few moments later Adriano and Mia rush in. "Have they said anything yet?" Adriano looks at me stressed out.

"No, I haven't gotten anything about our parents or Athena. Fuck I can't take this shit" I tug at my hair feeling the tears run down my face.

"She's fine Lucky" Enzo says behind me with a sad expression. "I controlled them. It was most likely the carbon monoxide and stress that set it off. From now till she gives birth she can not do work unless it's from home." His eyes turn glossy but why if he's telling me Athena's fine.


No no no no there not gone. Bianca shows up to his side as he lets a tear fall from his eyes. "Was there even a chance of survival for them?" Mia's voice cracks and Enzo shakes his head no.

"The flames were too strong but what did it was the carbon monoxide. The inhalation was too much for their bodies. Athena's awake, she's in the usual room. I haven't told her you can go see her. Doctors will be checking in her through the night to make sure she stays alright. Now if you need me I'll be drinking my pain away" he walks away leaving all of us in shock.

I walk to Athenas room with blurry vision. She looks up at me, her eyes widening. Her breath quickens as tears stream rapidly down her face.

She knows

Our sobs fill up the room feeling the pain of death. Death was never inevitable but sudden death is more painful.

Their last words were "I love you too". I have to deal with the pain of my parents being taken from me in front of my own two eyes.

I will never feel my mothers love again. Fuck I was such a mommas boy and I never cared to admit it. My mom was the reason I'm the person I am today. The person who always caught me when I fell. Who motivated me to do good in life. The person who always believed in me when no one else would.

Then there's my father. My relationship with him was always different. He was never the type to show emotion but he cared somewhat. He's still my father at the end of the day. He wasn't a shit father but he wasn't the best in the whole world.

How do you get over death? I've seen it so many times but never wanted it to actually come. The only other time I felt like this is when my grandfather died.

I was a wreck for a while but mom helped me get back up. "Lucky wake me from this nightmare please tell me this isn't real" She cries into my arms.

"Baby I wish this was a nightmare at least we could wake up then" I rub her back crying in silence. You know everyone is going to die eventually but you can never prepare yourself fully for it.

Death is something that can make or break a person. I don't know how to escape the hell that we've come into. The loss of a parent is something many people aren't ready for. I wasn't ready to lose my mom ever.

Now that she's gone I don't know what to do.

Hey guys

I Know your going to kill me im sorry

I wrote this while crying

I'm crying with you

Q/A- How was your day?

Word count 1428

Till next time


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