Chapter 33: Pretty Eyes

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Athena's pov

"Good Morning Bambina" Lucky kisses all over my face waking me up from a beautiful sleep. I groan moving to the side, turning my back to him. His hand goes to my side rubbing it making me more comfortable. Not the right way to wake a person up. "Bambina open those pretty eyes for me" His thumb massages the side of my forehead.

I give him a small smile barely opening my eyes. "There they are my favorite pair of eyes" I stare into his icy blue eyes. My eyes are a boring grey but his are the most beautiful blue I could ever think of. Why wasn't I blessed to get such beautiful eyes? "Amore I love you" His tattooed hands wrap around my body when I sit up.

"I love you more bambina" We stay in this position feeling each other's warmth. My arms go around his body burying my face in his neck holding him as close to me as possible. "Come on, your food is going to get cold" He tells me, lifting me off of the bed.

I groan walking into the bathroom, washing my face and brushing my teeth. The important things that we have to do in life. I push my hair out of my face taking a quick shower to feel refreshed. Today is going to be easy for the most part. Later we were all supposed to go out. That's the most eventful thing for today.

Throwing on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt I skip downstairs to the smell of food. There better be fruit there I'm dying for some. "Good morning" I snatch the bowl of strawberries from Leo and he rolls his eyes. Sitting on the bar stool Lucky places hot tea in front of me. I have the best boyfriend no one else can compare. The moment I saw him he broke the standard.

Santo comes downstairs with Rory half asleep; she directs him so he won't hit a wall again. "Fuck" He yells a loud thud echos in the kitchen. He hit a wall again classic Santo. "Santo I think you're supposed to walk around the wall not into it. You're not transparent." Leo laughs at him and Santo flips him off.

After breakfast we all just sit around the living room bored with life. Mia, Adriano, Enzo, and Bianca join us after a while. We talk about a bunch of random shit laughing our asses off. I don't think I've laughed like that in a while. "Look at the time we have to get ready" Mia grabs me and Bianca drags us upstairs.

When Mia say's get ready that means it's going to be a long night. She goes through my closet holding up different dresses at the moment. Fashion was Mia's pride and joy. She was the one who convinced me to model. Being a good friend I agreed and she used me to work on different clothing, make up, and hair. You name it Mia knows how to do it. "Put this on" She throws me a royal blue dress looking through my shoes in the vanity room.

"Mia it doesn't go down my ass" I tell her stuck Bianca laughs tears rolling down her eyes. Mia gives me an 'Are you serious' look sighing. "Ena it fits you just have to pull it down harder" She tugs at the fabric multiple times before it covers right below my ass.

I think this is the tightest dress I own. No doubt this is the tightest dress I own. Mia puts on a strapless green dress while Bianca puts on a black one. I pin my hair back keeping it out of my face showing off my new earrings. Placing the promise ring on my finger I look at myself one more time before going downstairs.

Lucky's jaw drops when he sees me ripping the fabric off with his eyes and he has no shame in doing it either. "Fuck baby you make me want to rip this off and fuck you right now" Lucky whisphers in my ear bringing shivers down my spine.

"Love birds the car's outside let's go" Enzo claps behind me making me jump up feeling the blood rush to my face. Lucky opens the car door letting me go in first. I rest my head on his chest playing with his rings sliding them on and off.

The car comes to a stop. I look to see the line down the block to get inside. The guards move out of our way leading us into the VIP area. Lucky places me on his lap and a waitress comes around asking us if we would like anything to drink. I ordered a vodka redbull ready to get drunk.

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