Chapter 48: You're 18th Birthday

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Athenas pov

"Bambina it's time to get up" I feel a Lucky place kisses all over my face. I groan, turning my back to him hearing him scoff. "Fine then no sex" There's something called my fingers "I'll buy a vibrator then" His hands trails down my back massaging the inside of my thighs.

"Trust me bambina when I say nothing will make you feel as good" I know he isn't lying he knows so too. I give in finally getting up and getting ready. Lucky leaves the room probably to get Luciano ready. It's 8:30 but it's also Santo's birthday knowing he's still probably sleeping.

Rory told me last night that he thinks we all forgot because we haven't said anything. Now why on god's green earth would I forget his birthday, his 18th birthday at that. I put on regular attire rushing downstairs to start his breakfast. "Is my other son up yet?" Adriano comes through the door with Mia and Gabriele.

"If you're talking about Luciano, he's with Lucky upstairs and Santo is still sleeping. I just started to make his food." I multi-task in talking and hurrying with the food. He'll smell it and then wake up. He did that last year. I put the eggs in the pan focusing on them trying to burn them while I look at the waffles in the waffle maker.

"I'll help you" Mia offers her hands, taking half of the work. I stayed focused on the eggs, and bacon while Mia focused on the waffles and making crepes. That was all her idea there. "Im here stupid car wouldn't turn on I took an uber. Is he still sleeping?" Rory asks coming inside out of breath leaning on the door frame to catch it.

"Yeah he's still sleeping wake him up for me please he still thinks we don't remember" She nods going upstairs passing Lucky and Luciano. Mia helps me plate everything, setting it on the table. "I smell food" Is the first thing Leo says as he walks in with Emma, Vincenzo and Bianca.

"Leo you always smell food shut up" I sat down finally drinking some tea. Right on cue Luciano starts crying he needs a bottle fuck. "I got it bambina" Lucky takes his crying child from the high chair making him a bottle quickly.

We sit in the dining room waiting for Santo when we hear bickering. "I'm telling you Rory, they forgot. It's okay though I still love them though whole heartedly" Santo gives her a sad smile walking backwards not seeing us yet.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" We yell at him watching him jump up in fear with widened eyes. He catches his breath noticing all of us there. He looks across the table and everyone is full of smiles all for him "You guys remember awe thank you" He smiles brightly sitting down next to Rory. We all start to eat, talking amongst ourselves about anything and everything.

Luciano happily keeps his attention on Gabriele who is giving him small pieces of waffles. Those two are as close as cousins could get.

For dinner I already made reservations for us to go to the restaurant we went to with mom and dad. We stopped going a long time ago just simply for the fact we ended up eating at one of our houses. I know Santo loved it there so that's where we were taking him.

After that I know him and Rory are going away for the next 3 days. It's a weekend plus if he misses one day of school it won't kill him. Alessandro, Angelo, and Agosto couldn't make it tonight.

They called Santo right after breakfast wishing him a happy birthday and a sorry for not being able to make it. They had to go to New York at the last minute to set up a new warehouse. I had my most trusted men go out and check mine, giving me updates on the progress of New York. I don't like seeing my numbers drop not for once a second.

"Athena, can we talk?" Bianca says lowly for only me to hear. I nod and we walk down a long hallway being in more privacy. "What happened, are you okay?" She nods her head yes sucking in a deep breath.

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