Chapter 42: Power

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Athenas pov

The meetings go by slowly. I don't understand how hard it is to explain numbers and shipments to me. "Athena now that Reberto is gone his written heir is his son. All he left to his daughter is money. When will Santo take power?" One of the smaller leaders tells me.

No fucking shit. "First things first Santo is mine son get that cleared from now. Second we have his mafia until Santo is at age and choses to take power. Until then don't fucking tell me what to do with my kid or when he decides to do anything" He sinks into his seat getting quiet.

"Now Athena, he does have a point, the power is clearly Santo's, why keep it from him?" Marco breaks the silence. My eyes burn his body, my blood boils with anger. "Marco if you could fucking hear properly I said Santo will get the power whenever he wants it. I am not forcing him to do anything he doesn't want to" I spit at him.

Lucky grabs my hand trying to calm me down. "So why don't we get him in here and see if he wants it" I take the blade from my heel, throwing it just past his ear. "Say some shit like that again and the next one is at your throat" I threaten him no one else is saying anything.

"If there is nothing else important this meeting is dismissed" I walk out grabbing my balde from the wall. Lucky holds my hand as we walk into my office. "That's paperwork for I.T tomorrow shipments come at 10 pm to make sure our trusted guards are there. Besides that there's nothing else were done for the day" I tell Adriano taking my phone and wallet.

"I'll make sure to run those files through right now. I'll see you tomorrow" He walks out of the room. Making sure I have all my things I walk out going to the car with Lucky. I fucking hate meetings like that. Especially when Marco has to be there. Dante stood quiet the whole time observing everyone.

He's always been like that, very observant. Lucky's hand trails on the inside of my thigh, his eyes stay on the road. He starts to speed up. I already know what he's thinking. The faster I go the faster I can fuck you

Going into the house we quickly check on Luciano and Santo both of them sleeping. Lucky drags me into the bedroom pinning me against the door he just closed. His lips attack mine hungrily, lifting me against the wall. My legs wrap around his waist and he walks over to the bed placing me on it.

I push him off of me and he stares at me. He tries to kiss down my body removing my dress "Not so easy hades" I tell him hearing him groan.

"Do you want me to beg for it?" Lucky looks at me, his eyes full of lust. "Beg for it" I whisper in his ear kissing his neck.

"Fuck Bambina please I need it more than anything right now. The way you tighten around my dick or when I taste you I could never get enough." He begs getting on his knees rubbing the inner part of my thighs.

I feel my body react to his words, my core begging to be touched. "Per favore Bambina" (Please baby)

"Do it" I tell him automatically he rips off my panties throwing them to the other side of the room. I need to buy new underwear soon because I'm running out. He can't be normal and just take them off. My back hits the bed while I feel a cool metal hit my stomach.

Lucky takes one of my blades dragging it along my body. Fuck that makes me even more horny. "I know you love that you're dripping even more" The blade gets pressed flat onto my core making me moan loudly.

The cold feeling is just what I needed. I feel so vulnerable right now. He evilly laughs at me removing the blade I whimper with loss of contact.

If he's not going to do it I will. My hands travel down the valley of my breast circling my heat. He stares at me in awe as I take advantage of my body.

I feel my body start to shake uncontrollably getting closer and closer to my maximum. I release panting, throwing my head back, toes curling, gripping the sheets tightly. Lucky sticks my fingers in his mouth sucking the cum off of them.

"My turn" his head dips between my legs eating like he's been starving. I tug his hair tightly and love the feeling of him getting down on me. He holds my legs down preventing me from shaking.

"Cum for me baby" He tells me, triggering my body to obey him. He's loving this right now.

I rest my head on the pillow of the bed when he looks at me with a sinister smirk.

"Oh baby we're not done yet" Lucky puts his hand around my throat squeezing it with pleasure not pain.

He pounds into me without warning, making me gasp in pleasure. My arms get thrown around his neck trying to keep some kind of support. My screams filled the room and he quickened his pace.

My stomach clenches letting me know I'm extremely close. "Not yet my love" He says sweetly in my ear but his body moves without sweetness.

The build up gets too much. I don't think I could hold it anymore. "Cum for me Tereso" (treasure) I let my highness out resting on his chest.

The sweat drips down our foreheads while we catch our breaths. "I told you that dress looked too good" he pants out making me laugh.

He tells me to start a bath while he changes the sheets. Yeah it's very wet. I don't think anyone likes to sleep on wet sheets.

I let the water start to fill up while I add a bunch of Epsom salt and essential oils. I add a bit of bubbles because it's fun who wouldn't. "Amore it's ready come on" I call out to Lucky.

He walks in sitting in the tub. "Now don't leave me here lonely" I sat in front of him resting my head on his chest. Scrolling through his phone he turns on the camera taking random pictures of us.

"Amore mío stop" I try to hide my face from him but it doesn't work. "So you can do it but I can't" he laughs at me putting his phone down.

"The ones I take are cute, yours always make me look horrible" he kisses my cheek squeezing me tightly.

"Tereso you could never look bad" My heart pounds rapidly under his touch.

"I love you forever" 


Hey guys! 

I think I got better at writing the devils tango idk 

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Until next time

-Yaniris0919 <3

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