Chapter 9: Fix It

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This is a double update chapter 8 was released the same time this was!-


Lucky's pov

I fucked it but I'm going to fix it. "Dude where are you going?" Leo asks, stuffing his face with food. "Athena's mom told me that there's going to be a huge dinner with a bunch of family going over that I was more than welcomed. Since she won't talk to me now she'll have to talk to me then." I fix my tie trying to show that I have not failed at tying it.

To my defense I usually have them all tied on different hooks but this one is new. "Oh yeah she told me but I have to go to the drop off location. Americans wanted one of us to sign personally to ensure there was no problem." He tells me grabbing his car keys making his way to the door. "Why didn't you tell me?" I put on the suit jacket that was waiting for me on the chair.

"Because you're an idiot who is clearly under the spell of Athena. Now go win your girl back" He unlocks the car sitting in the drivers side. "Not even that long ago you were under that same spell" I shoot back taking out my own car keys.

"I wouldn't have done anything with her even if she gave me the chance. She's like a younger sister to me so don't fuck up again" He says as his enginue roars speeding off. Getting into my own car I set down the flowers that I brought her on the passengers side hoping she'll accept them. I can't help but let my thoughts take over my own head.

Of course I like her. She's the only other person I've shown my spot to. Well it's really our spot. She just brings the feeling to me that's forgein. Sure I've been with plenty of women but never relationship wise. I'm willing to break that just for her.

Thinking of Athena could make my day better seeing her just add the icing on top of the cake. Her beautiful grey eyes tell so many stories I hope she trusts me enough to tell me one day. I'll admit that when  I asked about Marco I overstepped but I just have so many questions about it.

I'll let her tell me when she's ready. Everything when she's ready. I haven't even kissed the girl yet and she has me wrapped around her finger. I mean who wouldn't they way she throws her big curls into a messy bun when it keeps getting in her face or the way she hides all emotions to take on others.

Everyone calls her the devil but she lights up my life like an angel. From the moment I saw her at my club I had this attraction to her that made me find my way to her. Thinking of her I didn't even realize that I made it to her estate.  "Name, I.D and purpose of entry" One of the guards says as I stop in front of the large gates. "Lucky Morelli and I were invited by Mrs.De Luca" I handed them my i.d as they ran it through the system.

He looks at the other guards with a nod letting them know to open the gates. I drive my way into the big driveway as I see a lot of cars parked in a line. I step out knocking on the door waiting for someone to open up. Looking down at my watch I notice it's already 7:30 and the sun is setting, creating the perfect time to be at the beach right now. "Ah hello Lucky please come in " Mrs.De Luca opens the door stepping aside letting me go in.

"Oh these are for you Mrs.De Luca" I hand her a bouquet of roses and she happily accepts them. "Lucky i've told you multiple times please call me Aria. These are beautiful. Thank you, I apperactice them. Athena is in her office, dinner will be done at 10. Just go to the 2nd floor to your left last door." Her mom rushes before disappearing.

I make my way up the stairs as her guards look at me with no emotion. I make my way to her office knocking lightly on her door. I hear the slight come in. I open the door seeing her focused on a stack of paperwork. She looks up with her eyes meeting mine. "What are you doing here Lucky?"She goes back to singing the sheets in front of her.

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