Chapter 58: Graduation

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Athena's pov

"Santo hurry we're gonna be late" I yell at him picking up Luciano. He comes running down the stairs. "Okay I'm here I'm here" he holds his cap in his hand trying to fix his hair.

Lucky gets the car honking at us to let us know it's time to go. Sitting in the car Santo plays with his cap fixing the blue strings.

Where the hell does time go? Luciano is 2, Santo turned 19. Luciano starts a fuss as I rock him trying to get him to sleep. Finally getting to the school Santo goes inside checking in to the ceremony. We make our way to the auditorium sitting in the best seats. Thank god Adriano saved them. This place is full.

We only had 4 tickets but knowing Adriano he probably made them give him more. All my brothers, their wives kids , everyone is here. "Thank god I'm not late" Vincenzo sits behind me with Bianca and Leo.

Luciano finally falls asleep hearing soft snores from him. "Luciano" Gabriele claps looking at Luci sleeping.

Mia sits him on her lap as the ceremony starts leaving Damiano with Adriano. Everyone takes their seats as the graduates start to walk down the aisle. The principal starts to talk a bunch of shit. Saying how there is a great class she's going to miss them.


They stand up going row by row in last name awarding their diploma. "Santo Morelli" she says we all stand clapping for him. A wide smile goes on his face when he sees us.  "That's my nephew!" Adriano and Leo yell standing on the chairs as people give them weird looks. Can they just be normal for once?

Santo walks off the stage laughing, sitting back down opening his diploma. A smile from ear to ear. It fills my heart up knowing he did it. It was tough, especially this year. Teachers weren't playing with the work. "I'm going to cry" Adriano fakes and blows his nose.

Mía rolls her eyes at him telling him to stop. Luciano yawns, waking up smiling at me. "Hey baby look your brother got his diploma" I put him on my shoulder as he let out a loud laugh. He got Lucky's beautiful blue eyes with the blonde hair to go with it the perfect package. They wrap up the ceremony letting everyone go.

The sun shines bright as we walk out many students looking for their parents. "Look he's right there you see that tall mother fucker yeah him" Leo points out Santo with Aurora. "Leo really" I push him into Leo who catches himself before he falls. Like always he starts to complain.

Going to Santo he has a big smile on his face handing me the diploma. "I'm proud of you" I give him a hug "I couldn't have done it without you. I love you" he whispers to me, melting my heart. I refuse to cry here but he's making it hard not to. That and mood swings. He hugs me back tightly before letting go. Adriano of course makes it his business to make it known that he's the most important person there.

Aurora comes back to Santo with her father behind her. "Pleasure to see you guys again I'm certain we'll be seeing a lot more of each other soon" Her father smiles at us before walking away.

"It's time to party" Leo yells, losing his tie while we walk to the parking lot. "I'm not leaving my kid alone" I glare at him

"Oh Athena you know damn well you have people on speed dial that could take care of Luciano in the house for you. Plus with all the guards we all have nothing happening to anyone's kids" Leo puts his keys in the ignition having his car purr to life.

I sit in the passenger's seat taking Luciano from Lucky to let him drive. Luciano begins to fuss; he's probably hungry.  "Amore how far are we?" I try to calm Luciano down but he just gets worse

"About 10 minuets" Shit this is great. Lucky speeds up the car.  We get to the house in 5 instead of 10 minutes. I hurry out of the car going inside to the kitchen.

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