Chapter 32: 21st Birthday

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Lucky pov

I don't know how September came so fast. We were just in august not even a few days ago. Today is the day Athena turns 21. Now she can legally drink everywhere. It's not like she hasn't before. "Happy Birthday Bambina" I kiss her cheek waking her up,

She fell asleep before midnight and I didn't want to disturb her. She opens her eyes smiling at me lazily. "Thank you Amore Mio" She sits up rubbing her eyes moving her hair out of her face. Her arms wrap around my neck pulling me into a hug which I gladly accept. "I'm so tired" She groans into my neck making me chuckle.

"Up up up you go"I lift her to her feet, setting her down. Giving me a pout she walks into the bathroom shutting the door. The sound of the shower coming on echoes in the room it let's me know she'll be in there for at least 20 minuets.

I go downstairs into the kitchen hearing Leo and Santo arguing. "No you dick that's not how you do it" Santo takes the knife from him cutting up different fruits. "You fucking do it then" Leo rolls his eyes sitting down.

"You do see me with a knife in my hand cutting it right? Do we need to get you glasses your a bit blind" He tells Leo making me laugh. Athena definitely rubbed off on him the same attitude she has he has.

They set a plate out for her full of fruit, eggs, waffles, and bacon. I prepare her tea, letting it cool down a bit. "I'm here bitches" Adriano burst through the door holding Garbriele on his hip. Mia walks in behind him, setting down a bag on the table.

"The rest of the idiots are on their way" She reassures me sitting next to Santo. He stares deeply into his phone, not looking up. I don't even think he knows they're in the room. I go upstairs walking into the room to check on her.

She walks out of the bathroom, her towel hanging loosely from her body. My eyes travel up and down enjoying the sight in front of me. "Lucky stop eye fucking me "She groans slipping the towel off rushing to put on undergarments.

"Shit Im glad my parents named me Lucky because I'm the luckiest person alive right now" I stood behind her when she finished putting on a pair of sweatpants. Her scent is from the strawberry scrubs she loves to use. Her smile is from ear to ear. "I love you Amore Mio. '' I look down at her kissing her forehead.

"I love you more than anything Bambina" I turn her around placing a small kiss on her lips. She deepens it, wrapping her arms around my neck bringing me to bend closer to her neck. "Jump" I mumble on her lips and she complies.

Her legs wrap tightly around me creating a growing tension in the room. I lay her back softly on the bed staying in between her legs. "Fuck me" She moans out as I start to assult her neck.

"Oh I will" She lifts her hips up allowing me to take her sweatpants off. Quickly I take off my shirt ripping the thong she has off. "Lucky" She gasps looking at the broken fabric on the floor.

"Bambina I'll buy you 500 more" She chokes on her words when I enter her body. The sounds of our body connecting and our voice making music fill up the room.

Pure ecstasy if all I feel adrenaline rushes through my body speeding up. Her legs go around my waist bringing me closer to her holding the back of my neck. "Amore" she says breathlessly, sweat coming down her face. "Bambina not yet" I warn her, feeling her tighten around my body.

I get closer to my maximum holding her hips down. "Now" We both release at the same time. I collapsed on her catching my breath. "I fucking love birthday sex" She laughs out making me smile.

"Don't worry there's a lot more later" I wink standing up from the bed. Walking over to the bathroom I turn on the shower preparing the shower for us. "It was worth it" She kisses my cheek walking inside wetting her body.

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