Chapter 67: On My Knees and Worship You

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Lucky's pov

"Can we just make this easier just give me the code" Leo tries to say calmly at the person tied up against the chair. "I'm not giving up the codes I swore to protect with my life" He spits at Leo making him more mad.

I need these fucking codes to block their next shipment and take over. They've been fucking with my shit for too long. I'll get this shit by tonight. No will know who they are in the morning.

"Jimmy go get my phone" I yelled out to him. He's one of the guards who I trust with every bone in me. We would train together when we were younger. He grew up and took his fathers place just like I did. Jimmy hands me my phone. I call Athena.

The annoying ringing sound is all I fucking hear. "Amore I'm kind of busy" Is the first thing she says when she answers. The cries of a woman in the background begging for mercy.

"I need you" I Can feel her smirking on the other end "Babe Can you wait till we're both home" Leo laughs holding his stomach.

"Bambina just come to the warehouse" She hangs up. I put my phone in my back pocket leaving the glass cell.

I watch from behind the two way mirror as he starts talking to himself. He's going insane. "How long till he loses it?" Leo asks, sitting down lighting a blunt.

"Maybe 5 more minutes," Jimmy laughs, shaking his head. We wait and wait for Athena. After 20 minutes the click of her heels echo through the halls. "What a fine piece of meat!" Some whistles. She's not the one in a cell.

Adriano hands her a wet towel and she wipes her hands that are full of dry blood. "I'm here I'm here" She throws the towel full of blood away.

"We need a code and he's not budging" Leo tells her straight up. She looks at me and rolls her eyes going in taking out one of her throwing knives.

"Tell me sweets what's your name" She twirls the knife around hand. He stayed quite eyeing her body, licking her lips. "It's Wyatt now tell me yours" He flashes her a smile. I sit back looking at her and do what she does best.

"Hmm Wyatt you have a nice name, mine's Athena kind of boring but now to the fun part how would you like to help me and maybe I'll return the favor" She tells him seductively I feel my dick twitch.

Wrong time buddy

"And how would that be"

"I think the chains give you a good look. All tied up no way to move just how I like it" Her hands go up and down his chest. "Maybe you want me to ride you. I am turning you on" She bats her eyelashes making me get harder.

I cross my legs trying to make it less noticeable. "You really are" He groans looking at her like a piece of candy. "Before I help you I need my end first" If she gets these codes im going to fuck her like there's no tomorrow.

I do that anyways but still

"What's that beautiful?" he's finally giving in. My dick is already begging to be free. "I need the codes" She tells him batting her eyelashes "Then you'll give me what I want" He sighs as she nods her head biting her lip.

"783459" Leo writes it down as she smirks at him walking away.

"Hey you said you were going to help me" he yells at her "oh sweets we live in a world of lies learn to find the truth" Athena walks out sitting on my lap. I look at Jimmy and he nods knowing what to do. "Where's my thank you?" She stops in front of us waiting for an answer. "I'll thank you later" Her eyes filled up with lust, smiling at me.

"Ew I don't want to hear about how your going to fuck Athena" Adriano groans rolling his eyes. She laughs. I sit her on my lap and she feels me goosebumps appear on her body. She Leans deeper into me moving around. "Lucky we got to go if we want to end this tonight" Leo says putting the codes in loads of information comes up.

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