Chapter 30: We're Fine

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Athena's pov

Santo is the first one out of the car closing the door behind him. I look at Lucky as nerves start to kick in. "Bambina it's ok we're ok that's what's important" Lucky holds me as I lean over sitting on his lap. He rubs my back as I bury my head in neck. "We're fine, look at me it's alright" He kisses my temples holding me tighter against him.

I just worry about the reaction or maybe more falling back into that low stage. "Amore I don't want to ever go back to how we were. I don' t think I can handle it anymore." I feel the tears build up in my eyes. Lucky's eyes soften, wiping the tear build up. "Bambina no matter what happens you'll never lose me. I love you more than life" I hold him as tight as I can, closing my eyes.

The pain of losing a child is something no one should ever have to go through. Just as much as it broke me I know it broke him. It was his child too. "Hey hey hey look at me we're good show me that beautiful smile I love. There it is" I feel the light blush come to my cheeks rolling my eyes.

"Now the only reason you should ever let out tears is when im fucking you and you can't take it anymore" His hands slip inside of my sweatpants holing my butt. "Lucky when are you not horny oh my god"

"Babe your sitting on my dick it's always hard for you"

"Maybe if you behave both of you i'll give you a treat" He groans as I open the door getting off of him. He follows after me, locking the door holding my hand. Santo is already inside seeing as he's not out here.

Walking inside I hear the loud laughter of Leo and Adriano with Santo arguing with them. "Do we have a bet or not?" Santo asks as both Leo and Adriano throw money on the table. "Aunt Ena!" I hear the kids yell with excitement as they run down the stairs trapping my legs.

Sandro and Angelo are the first to come out of the living room to see the commotion. "Holy shit Adri, Leo you better give all that money to Santo" Mia comes from around the corner wearing a smile. The kids let go of me running back upstairs like nothing happened.

Leo and Adri come to see me in Lucky hand in hand throwing the money on Santo. "Just one more week that's all we need" Leo rolls his eyes as a happy Santo counts the many $100 that he was handed smiling. "Pleasure to do business with you" Santo sits back down putting his feet up on the coffee table enjoying life.

"You made a bet on when we would come over?" Lucky asks as I sit next to him just processing everything. They really just made a bet why? Were they that bored? "Yes 2 weeks ago we wanted to see how long you were going to see to come" Leo groans throwing himself on the couch.

"We'll there here now so fucking enjoy it" Mia sits down next to Adri as he kisses her check pulling her to his side. The conversation continues with many smiles around the room. "AH SANTO TELL HER TO COME TELL HER TO COME I'LL GIVE YOU A FUCKING CAR TO GO PICK HER UP" Adriano yells taking Santo phone from him reading his conversation.

"Oh my god stop reading my conversation" Santo tries to take the phone but he throws it to Leo. "Awe Santo has a girl holy shit wait it's the girl from the resort" Santo jumps on Leo's back to take the phone. This whole shit is just hectic as it is.

Santo is trying to get his phone back from the two idiots. "Santo?" A voice comes from his phone making everyone pause. "Um Santo?" The voice says again as Santo quickly recovers.

"Hey um Rory" He stutters with a light blush going to his face.

"Hello this is Santo Uncle, currently we're about to have dinner. Would you like to join us? Of course Santo would go pick you up" Holy fucking shit Adriano has no shame what so ever. The room goes silent as the laughs of Aurora fill up the room. "Is that what you want, Santo?" His face is a bright red at this point

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