Chapter 26: Finding Her

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A/N- This chapter was released the same time chapter 26 was! 


Athena's pov

It's been 7 days since I've been taken. My body is slowly giving up falling into his sick traps. I'm at the point again where I need drugs in my system to function again.

"Oh Athena" Reberto calls out, sliding a blade against my skin digging it deep in one spot. I wince in pain feeling the build up of tears coming to the corner of my eyes.

The blood drips down my leg piling on top of all the dry blood. He injects me once again as my body reacts by taking the strong drugs in feeling the pleasure. On the big screen Lucky and Alessandro's face pops up; they look tired like they haven't slept in days. The hurt is evident all over them.

"What do you want Reberto we'll give it to you" Lucky pleads finally giving in. He wants Santo. I can't let him take Santo, not after what he's been through. I won't break my promise to him. "Bring me Santo" He gives a sinister smile as Lucky shakes his head 'no'

"Anything else but Santo that's the one thing I won't give you" Lucky turns angry tugging at his hair in frustration. One of the men who helps him tutore pulls my hair back making me wince while the other starts punching all over my body.

It becomes limp, almost immune to the pain that's been going on for 7 days. Angelo shows Lucky something that brings a bit of happiness to his face. "Bambina hold on we're going to get you" He closes the screen showing nothing but darkness.

The toture continues until one hard blow to the head forcing me to see nothing but darkness.

Lucky's pov

Angelo managed to finally hack into the camera, getting a location that is an hour away from here. Speeding down will get me there in 15 max. I don't care what it takes to get my love back but I will do anything to have her safe in my arms again.

Seeing him make her snort coke or inject her with god knows what. Santo has been killing himself barely coming out of his room doing school work online. It was so bad even Aurora came by to check on him. For more that I tell him it's not his fault he doesn't believe it.

Pulling up to the abandoned warehouse I make sure I have all my weapons loaded as everyone else does the same. "Move in quietly" Sandro says as we take precaution as we open the door.

I take the lead going in slowly hearing the beating continue. It comes from the end of the hall but no screams from her. "They have her knocked out" Angelo looks at footage from his phone showing it. Our backs stay pressed against the wall as Adriano takes the clear shot he has against one of these men.

They get alerted taking cover. "The second man is hiding right behind you. There's a hole in the wall above only big enough to take one shot before he figures out you're there" Leo whispers as I nod, putting my gun to the hole.

The shot needs to be freehanded. I can't see exactly where he is. It's silent as his body hits the floor creating a loud thud sound. "Move in" Sandro says as I see my love hanging on for dear life. Me and Leo start undoing the chains as her limp body falls in my arms.

Adriano and Sandro take Reberto they shoot his feet making him unable to move anywhere. "Take her to enzo right now we got him" I take her in my arms feeling dead weight. She doesn't move at all as I put her in the backseat driving off with Leo.

Her pulse is barely there. Her lips turn white as her arm twitches heavily. In a record time we make it in 10 minutes as Enzo rushes to the car with a gurney taking her on it. She starts to shake with foam coming out of her mouth. "She's seizing go get me the diazepam right now. Make sure the asetechlogist is in the O.R. get me Bianca right now" Enzo yells as the nurse holds me back from going any farther.

She's out of my sight and immediately taken into surgery. "Lucky calm down, I'm going in there to help enzo right now and pump her stomach. Stop threatening to kill everyone in here" Bianca yells at me as I tug my hair letting out a groan.

This stupid chair is not comfortable at all I barely fit in it. Maybe just because of my large frame but it's still uncomfortable. I see Santo rushing in yelling at the nurse in the front. "Sir if you don't calm down I will have you removed" She tells him as he lets out a loud breath. "Listen lady just tell me where she's at and then we can be fine" He blows up as she calls security over.

"Santo let's go" I tell him as the security looks at me, backing away letting me deal with my son. He mumbles shit under his breath as I sit him down in one of the chairs. "Enzo and Bianca have her she's safe now"

Time passes very fast. It's been 2 hours since ive seen anything that happened to her. She looked out of life when I found her.



Hurt everywhere

Hearing her screams through the stupid fucking computer made my heart break. I wish it was me instead of her, I'd rather take all the pain away then let her have it. I never want her to have any pain at all but it's inevitable. "We're going to be here for a while. Do you want anything to eat?" Leo asks me and Santo as I shake my head no.

"Santo go with him you need air" I make him go with Leo to get fresh air. He's too worked up. He needs to calm down and breathe. It's hypocritical of me to say that but I can control it. He's letting the anger take over him.

I need to make sure he learns how to fix it. Once I deal with the sperm donor technically the mafia gets passed down to Bianca and Santo. If he takes the power I need to make sure his temper is controlled and let out at the proper moment. "She's in the ICU. She's very critical right now. She seized up 3 more times while we were pumping her stomach. We cleared her stomach the best we could but there was a very large amount of drugs in her system. Not to mention the ones we couldn't pump out. Her withdrawals will be strong this time she can not be near anything with drugs any medication we give you for her to take needs to be locked up right after she takes it. It will be hard but she'll get through it. I had blood work sent to the lab. It should be here in about 3 hours. You can see her now" Vincenzo tells me with his clipboard in his hand telling me my love is fine.

I don't care how long it takes for her to get better. I won't leave her side for nothing. It can take 30 years and 30 years I'll be there helping her no matter what. 

Hey guys

 Q/A- What's your favorite book?

This was a Double update!

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