Chapter 52: Damiano De Luca

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Lucky's pov

A guard hands me a towel. I wipe the blood off my hands telling them to clean the cell. Leo walks next to me not saying a word as I storm out of the cells. The important thing is that I received the codes I need them to finally take down this fucking group.

They've been trying to steal my shipments and attack my warehouse in Milian leaving some of my men injured. I know injury is inevitable but nothing gets me more mad than a smaller mafia trying to take over mine.

That's how apparently that's what people think it takes to make it to the top. They fail to realize that we also have to keep up with our chain line of business, go undercover, keep up with stock and manufacture our own products. 

It is a long and hard process just to get on the charts. It's super easy to fall off of it. Going underground also drops rankings; you can still be doing work but it's off the radar nothing is being reported. That was what happened with Athena. Her grandfather went underground for a very long time and no one knew what he was planning. When Athena took over coming out of hiding it changed everyone's numbers completely. 

Alessandro went from being number one straight down to number three. I was able to overthrow his numbers but it's still very close. Athena's numbers beat both of ours by a Long run. Her numbers are the highest numbers that have been seen in a long time.

"Fucking bullshit" Leo declines another call from Mia going back to his paperwork. I told him to answer it but he's just as hard headed as her. My phone starts to ring. Athena's name comes on the caller I.D.

"You fucking idiots don't know how to answer a phone" Athena screams when I answer. Leo looks at me with a smirk laughing to himself. I put the phone down on speaker looking at the files.

"Lucky i'm in the hospital Mia's in Labor '' She yells Me and Leo freeze before we grab our things running out. "Bambina were on our way" She let out a loud huff before hanging up.

Going into the tunnels Adriano is already coming this way we jump in the back as he speeds through the tires screech in front of the double doors. Adriano is the first one going through the doors looking around for Bianca.

"Adriano she's in here" Bianca tells him we go in, Athena is wiping the sweat off of Mia's forehead while she glares at us. "They've been here for six hours, good luck" Bianca shakes her head walking out Mia and Athena glares at us.

Gabriele is sleeping soundly on the couch not even noticing what's going on.  "You have a fucking phone if im calling your supposed to answer" Mia spits at us.

This is gonna and be long afternoon

Athena's pov

"Can you stay with me in the room?" Mia asks, looking at me with sad eyes. "Of course Mia" she gives me a small smile closing her eyes.

We've been here for 12 hours and she's 8 cm dilated. Almost there but It still takes time. "Bambina comes with me to get food" Lucky takes my hand in his taking me out of the room. We go downstairs to the cafeteria to get something small. I eat the donut sitting in front of Lucky. "I don't believe that Mia's actually having a baby" He says biting the bottom of his lip

"She has Gabriele, it's nothing that's different besides her pushing this one out. I know you see her as a younger sister but just like my brothers told me everyone grows up at some point whether we like it or not."  He lets out a deep breath nodding his head "I know im just scared that one day that everyone will have gone their separate ways"

"Amore I can promise you one thing with this crazy family no one's going anywhere" A light smile cracks on his face. My phone rings with Enzo's caller I.D Lucky see's it and we both start rushing to where Mia is at. She's having the baby oh my god. I'm so excited about another nephew.

"Finally" She yells once I come in Lucky stays outside with Leo while me and Adriano are in the room. I wipe the sweat off of her pushing the pillows trying to help her back. "Just a little bit more Mia I need one big push" Bianca tells her she grips the handles of the bed for dear life.

The cries of the baby coming into the world fill up the room. I slowly walk out of the room watching tears fall down both of their faces as they see their newborn son. Lucky and Leo look up at me for the news. I smile at them. "He's here and healthy" They both look relaxed Santo walks in holding Luciano in his arms while Rory holds Gabriele. Lucky takes Luciano while Adriano comes and takes Gabriele to see his new baby brother.

"She's asking for you guys" He tells us we come in behind him. Gabriele sits on her side as Mia rocks her newborn in her arms.

"Meet Damiano De Luca

I walk to the side of her bed looking down at my godson smiling. "Do you want to hold him?" She asks me I nod as she passes him to me. "Has he opened his eyes?" I ask her if she nods while drinking some water. Damiano yawns, opening his small eyes revealing the same color me and Adriano have.

"Awe he has grey eyes" Lucky peaks over my shoulder looking at the baby. "Alright Athena it's my time to hold my godson" Leo takes him from me smiling like an idiot.

That's because he is an idiot

"I think Leonardo is going to want a kid now" I whisper in Emma's ear. She looks at me with a weird look "But you all have kids what the difference now"

"Because Mia and him have the same blood and now so does Damiano. Don't get me wrong he loves all of our kids but the look on his face says it all right now" I point to him he's smiling like looking at his godson like no one else is in the room.

Emma goes sitting next to him with a happy expression on her face. "How are you feeling?" I ask Mia, grabbing a chair, putting my feet on the side of her bed. "Bitch it fucking hurt but i'd do it 100 times again for my family and to see that look on Adriano's face again. He looked so happy like Gabriele when we bought him a toy." She explains the feeling that I had with Lucky "Thank you for being in the room with me. I really couldn't have done it without you"

"Mia, it was never a problem, you're  my best friend. I'd do anything for you. You know that" She nods, putting her hair back. "You really do anything for me, when I need you to lie for me without even thinking you do it, you helped me and Adriano get together I couldn't thank you enough"

"We don't have matching tattoos for nothing. You're the sister I never had, plus you and Adriano were bound to happen. I just gave it a little push" We both laugh remembering that day. "I heard my name," Adrianos head shoots up looking around the room.

I feel Lucky stand behind me placing Luciano on my lap. "Yeah I said you were annoying" He gives me a fake look of hurt placing his hand on his heart. "Mia she's been demoted just to Aunt not godmother" Mia rolls her eyes taking Damiano from Leo.

"You don't even believe the words you're saying right now" She rocks Damiano and he falls back asleep. I hold Lucky's hand rubbing his thumb.  

"Yeah yeah whatever"


Hey guys!

Time skips are going to happen but it's all going to make sense at the end

Q/A-When's you Birthday?

1376 Words

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Until next time

-Yaniris0919 <3

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