11) Drew

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"Hello, this is Maggie" she said to the person on the phone.

"Yes" , "no" , "okay" , "yes, of course" , "okay, thank you" , "bye" is everything she said.

"Well?" I asked her since she was just looking at us.

"They arrested them and they couldn't do anything else but confess. So there will be a court in two days at 2 p.m. we will bring Alena as a witness, Chris as a victim, drew as a victim too, our lawyer and us. With us i mean Billie, Finneas, Patrick and me. The whole family. Dont worry, we've got this" she said.

I rubbed Drew's back for comfort and she nodded and then sighed.

Drew and i went to my bedroom to unpack. "Do you want some music on?" I asked. "Yeah sure" she said.

We put some music on. Before we knew it we were done with unpacking. We sat on my bed, well i guess our bed now. I heard Drew let out a huge sigh. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm just exhausted" she answered. "Why don't you get some rest? I'll wake you up when it's dinner time" i suggested. "Okay" Drew said as she got dressed in her pajamas.

"What?" Drew asked while laughing. "Wha- oh, nothing" i answered as i realized i dozed off while staring at her, omggg. Stupid me.

"No tell me" she said. "I was just thinking about tomorrow, I'm sorry i didn't realize i was staring at you while" i apologized.

"It's okay. But what's tomorrow?" She asked. "Uhm, i sort of have a date for the first time and I'm nervous" i said.

"Really? With who?" She said excited. "A boy, Henry" i answered. "Well have fun! It's gonna be alright and if not then he's a bastard 'cause you're amazing" she said.

"Nah, but thanks" i said while sighing. "Why not? You are amazing, like for real!" Drew said. I smiled and thanked her. "Go sleep" i said and left the room.

I felt weird about what she said, 'cause i don't feel 'amazing' at all. I don't know what i feel, but i do know that i don't really like the way i look. But anyway i went to the couch in the living room.

"Hey billie, how are you? I'm sure it must be hard to unexpectedly having to share your room and hearing all these messed-up things that happened to your best friend" my dad asked.

"I'm fine, i mean I'd do anything for Drew, i don't care that i have to share my room, I'd rather share my room than having her be homeless" i answered.

"You sure?" My dad asked. "Yes, dad" i said irritated. He opened his arms signing for me to go for a hug. I hugged him and let out a breath. "Maybe you should close an eye as well?" He suggested. "Yeah okay" i said as i went in my room and joined Drew in our bed.

After a while my brother woke us up and said dinner's ready. Drew and i ate dinner with our pajamas on. When it was time to go to bed it was also time to clean her wounds. My mom said that it'd be best if i would help her so I'm going to.

We're in the bathroom right now with the cleaning products that the nurse gave us. I got everything ready and started cleaning. "This might sting a little" i said before i began. She nodded and held my hand.

"I'm sorry" i said as i was almost done. "Don't be" she said. We locked eyes as i gave her a sad smile.

I'm so confused right now about my feelings, because i have a crush on Henry but also on Drew and i haven't figured out my sexuality yet so i don't know who to go for.

But anyway when we were done we went into bed. "Thank you" Drew said. "No problem" i said.

"Can i ask something?" Drew asked. "Of course!" I said.

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