6) Jessica pt. 2

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~ 2 years later ~
~ drew's pov ~

Let me catch you up about what happened in the last two years.

Basically billie and i stayed pretty much the same, we're still best friends.

Zoe and i are still best friends too tho.

Billie and i are still both in our choir. We both quit Maggie's Songwriting-Club little over a year ago. Just because we could get private lessons from maggie if we wanted to and we both know pretty good how to write songs now.

Billie's on dance and gymnastics now. I'm on ballet and dance. Billie and i are together in the same dance company. But not in all dance classes, because billie does multiple kinds of dance and i only do one kind so yeah.

Zoe came out as queer a little over a year ago as well.

I came out as bisexual to Billie and Zoe a few weeks ago, they promised not to tell my parents or talk about it in my parents' presence.

Jessica and i are having a thing together, we're not official yet but we're definitely more then just friends.

Billie's always staring at me for no reason and it's annoying but for the sake of our friendship i'm not gonna say anything about it and just letting it slide.

Finneas is in a band and he's doing amazing.

Chris has found himself a boyfriend and everytime i visit them i see that he's truly in love.

It's so cute, he really deserves some love, especially after what mother did when she found out that he's gay.

Our mother went insane when she found out, she cursed at him and started to throw stuff but luckily she didn't hit Chris.

Alena is just doing her own thing, i honestly don't know shit about her life since we barely talk to each other.

Our little sister has just turned 1 year old. Her name is Roxy and is born on May 23, 2013. She's like the cutest ever, i love her so much. Billie and i always play with her.

She's about 1,5 years old since it's already October which means my birthday is coming up.

My parents don't know i'm bisexual by the way, and i very much like to keep it that way after seeing my mother go crazy over Chris.

I'm at the moment 12 years old, but since it's almost October 11th i'm almost 13 years old. Billie is also 12 years old. Zoe is already 14 since she's born in June 2000. Alena is 17 years old. Chris is 21 years old.

There hasn't really happened more. Today i have ballet, billie has dance.

When i was home from ballet billie came over with a really excited look on her face.

"Are you okay?" she asked as her excited face turned into a frown. "You seem a little sad" she asked concerned.

"Yeah sorry, i didn't get a good night sleep" i apologised.

"Don't apologize, i understand"

We hung out all day until billie had to leave for gymnastics.

I was sad at first until Jessica texted me saying she wanted to come over to mine for the evening.

I heard two knocks on the door and when i opened the door Jessica stood there with flowers in her hands.

"May i come in?" she asked very shyly. Weird that's not like her.

She'd bring something for me with her from time to time so the flowers weren't a surprise but still so lovely.

"Of course" i said as i moved my body to the side so she could get in.

"Can we talk in your room?" she asked. I nodded and we walked to my room.

"Drew, you are very kind and care for literally everyone you see including me. We've had a thing going on between us for a while now and i'm honestly tired of that, so do you wanna make us official?" she asked.

"Jessica..." i began. "Of course i would!" She brought me into a hug.

"These are for you" she said as she gave me the flowers.

"Thank you. Can we keep us a secret tho? Or at least till i tell my parents, they're homophobic so i'm scared to come out. I do wanna tell our friends tho" i told her honestly.

"Yeah of course, whenever you feel ready" she said making me relieve a breath i didn't know i was holding in.

~ the next day ~

"Hi bils" i said as i walked in the pratice room for our choir where i saw billie sitting on stage waiting for me.

"Hi drew" she smiled when she saw it was me.

"Guess what?" i said excited.

"What?" she laughed.

"Jessica asked me yesterday to be her girlfriend and i said yes" i told her.

Instead of her being happy for me i saw a small frown on her face but she quickly put a smile back on her face.

~ billie's pov ~

"Jessica asked me to be her girlfriend and i said yes yesterday" she told me.

Fuck i missed my chance. I mean it's not like anyone knows i like her but still. Not even finneas knows, finneas is the only one who knows i'm bisexual but he doesn't know i like drew. And now my chance is gone.

I noticed i was frowing and i also noticed drew noticed my frown so i quickly put a fake smile on.

I don't trust Jessica. I have a weird gut feeling something bad is gonna happen, i don't know why. I'm gonna say my honest opinion eventhough she won't listen to me anyway.

I'm not gonna break them up tho, if drew is happy then i am too.

"Heyy drew? Can i talk to you?" i asked her. I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"I don't know if it's so smart to date her and i'll explain why so let me finish, please?" i said to her. She nodded.

"I know i can't change your feelings and that i don't have the right to, that's why i'm not gonna do that so instead i'm gonna warn you" i took a deep breath.

"I have a weird gut feeling something is gonna go wrong. And it's not just now, i've had it since the moment you met Jessica. I don't wanna take away your happiness and all i'm trying to do is protect you but.."

A/n: another cliffhanger, sorry not sorry :) I hope you guys enjoy my book so far! Also, I'm so sorry for not writing for that long. I needed a break from everything. But now I've bring back my motivation and the right mental state so I'm gonna write again. Hope you enjoy.
- published on December 27, 2021.
- 1135 words.
- you are worth it! <3

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