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Rain was pouring and she thought it was only right to mimic the mood.

By now her jacket was damp, hair sticking to her forehead and cold starting to send shivers through her body but she didn't stop walking.

Standing in the bus, surrounded by strangers eyeing her and silently judging as she dripped on the floor of it. But she didn't care.

She had a train to catch.

By the time the familiar sight of her hometown had come in view, the girl exhaled heavily. She felt cold, still damp from the rain she had got caught under. But nothing warm awaited her there.

Only more coldness.

Hands in her pockets, she stepped foot outside the train and looked around. It was night time already so it was only natural for the weather to be colder. Yet the rain had stopped long before. She supposed at least something was in her favor, although rain was something she would enjoy at times.

Looking up at the sky, Ryujin chuckled when she noticed some rain drops starting to fall down.

Oh well, it was too good to be true she supposed.

Placing a cigarette between her lips, she lit it, blowing the smoke away a moment later. Allowing the taste and smell of it to fill her senses, eyes closed while the rain continued to hit her bare skin.

Today had been a rough day.

As was often the case.

Luckily for her, the number of rough days left were numbered.

Ryujin chuckled, finishing the cigarette, throwing it to the ground and putting it out with her shoe.


A step, two steps, three steps. She could hear each step she took clearly. Her shoes hitting the puddles on the floor as she walked through the streets in her hometown.

The door she had knocked on hadn't opened and who she had texted, had informed her the person she was looking for wasn't with them.

Therefore, she resorted to the other places she knew the other often frequented.

Starting with the building she was acquainted with but in vain.

Finally and after a long while, she entered the smoke filled bar. Full of people she would rather not be acquainted with. The smell of alcohol and smoke making her frown but still she continued to walk through the several people inside. Looking for one in particular.

And there she was, sitting with a group. Head resting in one hand, empty glass in the other and a bottle nearby. She couldn't see the face of the person she had been looking for but she could see her slouching.

She froze in place. Not knowing what to do now that she found her. Truthfully, she hadn't planned this far ahead. Her mind only filled with thoughts of finding the other.

Now that she had, she found herself frozen, not knowing what to do about it.

Impulsivity had never been her strength. Not until Ryujin had entered her life.

She observed as the girl stood up, struggling to walk but somehow making it without falling to the bathroom. Stumbling a few times along the way.

Then she entered it a minute later.

Watching as Ryujin stood over the sink, water dripping from her face and hands holding her up while she stared at the mirror. The one filled with writing and stickers. Clearly having been vandalized far too many times by previous clients.

Ryujin didn't bother looking in her direction, more than likely expecting her to be just another drunk who often frequented the bar.

Head down, she saw as the girl took a deep breath, raised her head and finally turned. Freezing in place once her eyes met Yeji's.


Impulsivity had never been her strength. Not until Ryujin had entered her life.

Yeji moved before Ryujin could fully form words, embracing her into a tight hug. The older girl nearly falling back both because of the impact and because she was clearly intoxicated.

"Yeji?" Ryujin whispered against Yeji's neck. As if she needed to make sure she wasn't imagining her presence. Yeji only hummed in response.

Pulling slightly away, Yeji looked at the other who was still staring in disbelief. Resting her head against the other girl's she smiled, a gentle hand touching Ryujin's warm cheek. Their faces still so close they could feel each other's breath.

"Yeji." Ryujin whispered again, this time not as a question. To which Yeji hummed in response once again.

The girl was holding on to her still wet hoodie, thanks to the rain she had got caught under. Her grip holding on as if Yeji would disappear if she were to let go.

Eyes met her lips and Yeji could see the desire in the other's gaze. She could feel it in the way Ryujin moved just slightly closer to her. In the way her hands moved to hold Yeji's waist, pulling her closer.

Yet their lips didn't meet.

Ryujin seemingly hesitating before she shook her head slightly, smiling sadly and moving apart.

To which Yeji immediately responded, pulling her closer again, turning her head with her fingers and smiling.

"You can do it."

Ryujin looked to be searching for something. As if she would find the answer written on her face if she looked hard enough.


Yeji didn't break their touch, her fingers still making Ryujin look her way while Ryujin's hands lingered on her waist although her grip had soften.

"You can kiss me."

The other girl furrowed her brows, chuckling before scoffing. "I don't want to be your affair, Yeji." she mumbled, speech clearly affected by the alcohol. Nonetheless it was good to see she was still capable of making good decisions.

Yeji rolled her eyes. Her wet hair still sticking to her forehead when she once again rested it against the other's. "This is supposed to be the moment where the lead chases the girl through the rain and kisses her and you're ruining it. Now please kiss me and let's leave the talking to once you've sobered up."

That was surprisingly effective because next thing she knew, Ryujin had held her against her body, kissing her. The kiss wasn't soft, the shorter girl backing Yeji against the honestly far too disgusting bathroom wall and kissing her like she had been waiting to do so for forever. And Yeji realizing she made the right decision to chase after chaos as it walked away from her life.

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