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Once the door closed behind her, Yeji finally turned around to face the darkness. Her gaze meeting the dark night sky and the cold wind making her tremble with cold.

Luckily, it seemed Ryujin had thought about protecting her from the cold. Yeji noticing what she had been holding was a hoodie she had seen the other wear a few times before.

It looked far too comfortable each time and even more so now that the cold night weather was starting to affect her.

Without hesitation, Yeji put on the oversized hoodie, sighing contently at the warmth it provided her. Placing the hood up and accidentally smelling the perfume that reminded her of Ryujin.

Ryujin who had looked preoccupied a moment before she closed the door separating them. Making her worry for the other's safety.

She still had no clue what Ryujin and Hyunjin were involved in but it was obvious whatever it was had to do with what was going on in that moment. That much was clear.

Yeji had promised not to open that door until Ryujin came back but she hadn't said anything about not attempting to listen in. And so, that's what she did. Or attempted to do.

Honestly, it was much harder than movies made it out to be.

She could barely understand a word said on the other side, trying to piece together pieces that just didn't fit.

After a couple of minutes, Yeji gave up on her curiosity and settled for walking around the rooftop. With her phone's flashlight on and trying not to make any noise that could be heard downstairs, Yeji started to walk.

The rooftop was spacious but sadly empty. Just a big surface of nothing to see. Except for the few graffiti on the floor and wall around it. And the occasional alcohol bottles she had to expertly dodge in an attempt to remain unheard by whoever was downstairs with Ryujin.

Looking at the graffiti she noticed how most were drawings that looked to have been made by kids. Or people with little to no art skills. Or perhaps graffitiing was just that much more difficult than drawing. Yeji wouldn't know. It's not like she had ever attempted to do it before.

After a moment, Yeji decided to go back to the door. Trying once again to hear anything but unable to do so. It hadn't been that long but her worry for Ryujin was growing more with each passing second. All she wanted to do was open the door and satisfy her curiosity while also helping Ryujin deal with whoever had visited her.

Instead, however, she sat besides the door, back against the wall.

The night sky was beautiful there. Much more than in Seoul where pollution made it harder to see the stars.

There were many downsides to her tiny hometown but the night sky filled with visible stars would never be one of them.

Eventually Yeji unlocked her phone, putting on her earphones and playing music to distract herself from the uneasy feeling growing inside her. The longer Ryujin took to come back to her, the more anxious she felt.

Yeji hated feeling that way.

She hated that Ryujin made her feel that way.

And she hated whatever the other was involved in.

Sighing, she leaned her head back against the wall, music playing and making her think about other things.

Or so she thought.

It was easy at first. For the first notes she would try to focus herself on the song and even manage to do so. And then the songs would have lyrics that reminded her of Ryujin and she would feel anxious yet again.

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