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Silence had never been as comfortable as it was whenever Ryujin was Yeji's company. She wasn't entirely sure why that was, but she knew that, sitting there as the sun shined and breeze blew over them, she wouldn't have wanted to be elsewhere.

The only noise that could be heard was the one being made by the chirping birds surroundings them, the occasional dogs that passed by and the footsteps of the pedestrian who took their time to take a walk around the park.

Yeji didn't know why but despite everything she might have known or suspected about Ryujin, spending time with her had become something she secretly hoped for.

"It's beautiful." the older girl stated, her deep voice suddenly filling the silence that she had grown quickly used to.

Her head turned to look at the girl who was looking directly ahead, clearly enjoying the view she was observing.

In that moment, with the birds singing, cool breeze blowing and hot sun washing over them, Yeji felt like she wouldn't change a thing. Especially not the view she had, of Ryujin staring off into the distance, her lips curled into a small satisfied smile while the sun made her eyes shine even more than they usually did. If Yeji wasn't careful, she might find herself falling for the girl sitting next to her.

Yeji hummed in agreement, though in her mind the view hadn't been the river ahead of them, but Ryujin herself.

"Are you going to be around tonight?"

Yeji nodded, finally looking at the river instead of the other girl.

"I'm tired of hanging out with the couple." Ryujin announced, chuckling lightly. Clearly referencing Hyunjin and Heejin. "Would you keep me company?"

Maybe her mouth spoke before her brain could process the question, because she found herself accepting the invite before she even knew what Ryujin wanted to do.

Next thing she knew they were going somewhere. Yeji wasn't sure where but, somehow and without much reason to, she had started to trust Ryujin.

Sitting on the passenger seat of Ryujin's car, there was a lot on her mind. And not much of it was related to their soon to be plans or where they were headed to. Instead, Yeji found herself questioning why Ryujin was so captivating to her. Why she was always glad to see her.

Even while doing something as simple as driving her car, Ryujin looked breathtaking. Effortlessly, too. Her hair was messy and caught up in a bun, stray hairs moving with the wind coming from the open window. Her hands gripping the steering wheel and making Yeji stare as if there was something special about them. As if she had never seen another soul drive.

Ryujin's eyes focused ahead, her stare and overall demeanor focused and serious. Something deeply attractive, she noted. And then there were the songs playing, the ones Ryujin seemed to have carefully selected as Yeji had noticed her choosing a playlist once they had got into the car.

Yeji noticed that the songs playing matched the girl driving. They felt nostalgic, a little sad and broken and all too lovable. The type of music that you could drive to as you imagine yourself to be in a movie, but also the songs you can cry and heal to. These songs felt like they had been around for decades more than they did, even if they hadn't. Just like Ryujin did. Yeji felt like she had been apart of her life for longer than she had, as if she had always belonged there but neither of them noticed it before. Maybe she was still the only one to have such a silly thought.

As the next song started to play, Yeji couldn't help but continue to steal glances of the girl driving.

You came into my life with no warning
Like a flash of light
And I was doing fine but as you came in
I watch my future rewrite

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