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They were currently at Ryujin's apartment.

Yeji having been left alone in the other girl's bedroom while the older of the two took a shower to hopefully sober up and get rid of the smell of smoke and alcohol.

Luckily Yeji had gotten to her before she drank far too much to the point of them having to delay having a honest conversation to another day.

Standing in Ryujin's bedroom, Yeji busied herself observing it. Looking at the photos displayed on her walls, most of these being a new addition after Yeji had given her the film camera. Noting how that included a few photos of herself. Some taken without her knowledge, how sneaky of Ryujin. A wide smile growing while her fingers touched the photos. They were some of the best she had seen of herself. Maybe she would one day ask for a copy of them.

Then she saw the books, noticing how thick some were. How some of these were fictional while others looked to be biographies. Yeji smiled to herself, she liked learning new information about the girl. And as someone who had a newfound love for books, considering she worked at a bookstore, this earned Ryujin a few points.

Eventually Ryujin walked into the bedroom, catching Yeji holding the college hoodie the other had once stolen from her.

"I've been wearing it." Ryujin admitted, moving to change into her clothing. Towel falling to the floor, causing Yeji to look the other way. For some reason knowing the girl was changing just behind her, left Yeji feeling tense. Not knowing how to act while she did so.

Only relaxing once Ryujin touched her. Wrapping her arms around Yeji's neck and resting her head against her back.

"Thank you."

Yeji couldn't see Ryujin but she could feel the warmth of her touch.

"What for?" She whispered back.

"For being here."

"I told you. Whatever happened i'd be here for you."

"Words are meaningless without the actions."

Yeji turned around, once Ryujin's hold on her loosen up. Observing the girl attentively. Taking in the details of the other.

Her hand brushing her still damp hair back. While Ryujin smiled widely, showing off her whiskers, Yeji busied herself touching them with her thumbs. Caressing her gently as if she could break Ryujin if she was to touch her any less than lightly.

Placing her lips softly on the girl's forehead, Yeji smiled to herself. Feeling better after seeing the other smiling as well. Whatever she had done, it seemed to have improved her mood.

"Yeji." Ryujin whispered, her hand tugging at her sleeve.


Their faces were close together although they hadn't kissed since the filthy bathroom of the bar Ryujin seemed to be fond of. Ryujin's eyes closed tightly.

"I saw him but you're here." she whispered again. Finally looking at Yeji as if expecting an answer to something she never asked.

Yeji only nodded, moving to the bed before speaking. Reaching out for Ryujin, she watched as the girl offered her hand, moving closer to Yeji who was sitting on the edge of it.

"It wasn't a hard choice. When I looked between you two I knew in my heart who I wanted to run to."


Yeji placed a finger over Ryujin's lips, effectively shushing her as she carried on speaking. "I had a conversation with Wooyoung before coming to find you. A difficult one." Yeji informed the girl, watching as Ryujin looked very curious about it. "He is good guy but he's not what i'm looking for."

"Yeji, I can't..." Ryujin started to talk but seemed to hesitate for a moment.

The younger girl nodded, humming in understanding. "I'm not asking you to be with me, Ryujin."

"Then... What then?"

She only shrugged, "I found that I don't need to label things with you. I'm happy as we are. Or were. Before him." The girl then sighed, "In any case, i'm not here to talk about us. I'm here to offer you company while you process whatever happened with your mother. If you want to talk, i'll listen. And if you want to cry, I'll lean you my shoulder to cry on."

Ryujin chuckled, brushing her hair back. Yeji smiling at the soft touch of the other girl. "You've grown, little Hwang. You're all grown up now. Mature and wise."

"Not really." Yeji shrugged again. Hands on the bed holding her weight back as she stared at Ryujin before laying back on the bed. "But i'm trying."

"I'm thankful. For your attempt." Ryujin offered, laying back besides her.

"To tell you the truth, I'm not sure what I expected from seeing my mother again. I supposed deep down I missed her but mostly I wanted answers."

"Understandable. What kind of person just leaves their child behind to start a new family?"

Ryujin hummed, falling silent for a moment before speaking again. "She claimed things with my father were unbearable. That it had started long before his drinking did."

Yeji didn't interrupt, only waiting for the other girl to carry on.

"When I asked her why she left me with that man, she told me the one thing I wish to never hear." Ryujin explained, chuckling but it didn't sound like she was amused by it. She seemed angry. Sounded so. Her voice deeper by the time she continued to speak. "That I remind her of him. That him and I were always too much alike and she couldn't bare to look at me."

"Your mother sucks." Yeji let out, not giving it a second thought. Causing Ryujin to let out a genuine chuckle.

"She does. But she's not wrong."

"Nonsense." Yeji dismissed, waving her hand. "What does a mother who left you before you became your own person know?"

Ryujin only hummed, taking in her words and probably disagreeing with them.

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